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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

chiang mai

  1. Green bee-eater

    Green bee-eater

    Another hot day during my journey in SEA, quelle surprise, but I had a wonderful place in the shadow of a hut.
  2. Burmese shrike

    Burmese shrike

    Still many pics for my SEA gallery.
  3. Streaked spiderhunter

    Streaked spiderhunter

    The scratches on the red flower tell you that it is well worth to wait there ... for a spiderhunter.
  4. Pied Bushchat

    Pied Bushchat

    My camo hide worked pretty well.
  5. Gray Bushchat - female

    Gray Bushchat - female

    At a small creek/exit of the RAS.
  6. Slaty-backed forktail

    Slaty-backed forktail

    A second one of the same bird. Camouflage-hide Mae Klang river.
  7. Plumbeous Redstart

    Plumbeous Redstart

    Sitting under camo-nets with dense vegetation behind me, in a country with deadly snakes, is a special experience when you are from Bavaria. In similar hides here, did water snakes already visit me.
  8. Pied Bushchat

    Pied Bushchat

    One of my favs in SEA. Not colourful but incredibly cute.
  9. Siberian Stonechat

    Siberian Stonechat

    Non breeding male. Very similar to Amur Stonechat but I believe it is Siberian sc.
  10. Gray-breasted Prinia

    Gray-breasted Prinia

    Widespread in SEA.
  11. Pied Bushchat

    Pied Bushchat

    Along the border of the campsite often perching on greenhouses.
  12. Pied Bushchat

    Pied Bushchat

    One of my fav. birds because it is so cute.
  13. Black-throated Sunbird

    Black-throated Sunbird

    Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forest and subtropical or tropical moist montane forest (wiki).
  14. Purple Sunbird

    Purple Sunbird

    A long walk through uncultivated land, a forest and along a stream ended in a garden. The "backyard" was hilly and not fenced. Too far to reach for a normal walk and to walk back. The owners neighbour suddenly showed up when I reached the front yard/fence. I showed him my pics and everything was...
  15. Mrs. Gould´s Sunbird

    Mrs. Gould´s Sunbird

    A female with a tiny spider in her beak. Not 100% sure about the species. If correct, subspecies should be ~ dabryii. avibase https://avibase.bsc-eoc.org/species.jsp?lang=DE&avibaseid=B049CA48&sec=summary&ssver=1 (from W China (Xinjiang to Sichuan and Yunnan) to Myanmar, n Laos).
  16. Red-wattled lapwing

    Red-wattled lapwing

    Shortly before sunrise.
  17. Mrs. Gould's Sunbird

    Mrs. Gould's Sunbird

    Captured in the early morning. My first sunbird there. "Forages actively, often congregating in flowering trees. A species of hill and montane forests and forest edge, breeding as high as 4250 meters (ebird)."
  18. Plumbeous Redstart

    Plumbeous Redstart

    Female and juvenile are gunmetal gray with scaly undersides (ebird).
  19. Brown shrike

    Brown shrike

    Captured during an excursion outside the NP.
  20. Small Minivet (female)

    Small Minivet (female)

    The rural areas outside the NP are well worth extensive walks.
  21. Scarlet Minivet

    Scarlet Minivet

    At a small road to a tiny village in the NP. 2006 amazing capture https://www.birdforum.net/gallery/scarlet-minivet.112490/
  22. Asian stonechat

    Asian stonechat

    On a track with my scooter. I passed it and it did not fly away. I stopped and looked around the corner of the reed with my camera and now you can see it as well.
  23. Redbase Jezebel

    Redbase Jezebel

    Male butterfly.
  24. Russet-crowned adult Green Bee-eater

    Russet-crowned adult Green Bee-eater

    Inhabits open woodlands, semideserts, fields, farmlands, and around sparse human habitation. Some populations show seasonal movements (ebird).
  25. Black-throated sunbird

    Black-throated sunbird

    Female bird posing on a banana flower. ☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️