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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Raptor-215


    It was a difficult full frame take ... ... due to the foliage ... ... but a lifetime opportunity ... ... as this is among the five least sighted bird species of India ... ____________________ Long-eared Owl Tal Chhapar Wildlife Sanctuary Churu Rajasthan India
  2. More variable ...

    More variable ...

    Variable Wheatear subspecies ... O. p. opistholeuca Talchhapar Blackbuck Sanctuary Churu : Rajasthan India
  3. On top ...

    On top ...

    ... and enjoying it ... ________________ Indian Roller Talchhappar Blackbuck Sanctuary Churu : Rajasthan India
  4. Tough life ...

    Tough life ...

    ... but some love it ... and lead it ... ... by choice ________________ Indian Bushlark Talchappar Blackbuck Sanctuary Churu : Rajasthan India
  5. Raptor-183


    One of the five least sighted bird species in India ... Long-eared Owl ___________________ Long-eared Owl Talchhapar Blackbuck Sanctuary Churu : Rajasthan India
  6. Tricky ...

    Tricky ...

    The setting ... ... seems to be rather tricky ... and ... precarious Yet ... it is ... their favorite __________________ Red-tailed Shrike ... female Tal Chappar Blackbuck sanctuary Churu Rajastahn India
  7. Lakescape-923


    In a saltpan ... Talchhapar Blackbuck Sanctuary Churu Rajasthan India
  8. Lakescape-917


    A thirsty family ... ... in Thar desert ... ____________________ Tal Chappar Blackbuck Wildlife Sanctuary Churu : Rajasthan India
  9. Talchhapar - 43

    Talchhapar - 43

    Eye contact ... Always feels nice to capture one ... who will pose so well for you ... albeit transiently ... As ... this male obliged me with a great eye contact ... ________ Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse 24 February 2022
  10. Talchhapar - 42

    Talchhapar - 42

    Talchhapar - 42 Ready to give a performance ... ... mike and antenna ... checked and live ... ... and he obliged with a little head turn ... seeking a nod to begin ... ______________ Indian Bushlark 24 February 2022
  11. Talchhapar - 41

    Talchhapar - 41

    Talchhapar - 41 Aerodynamically ... perfect fast flyers ... Though living in desert and semi-arid habitats they are heavily reliant on water ... and are known to fly up to 80 km for a drink ... Chestnut-bellied Sangrouse 24 February 2022
  12. Talchhapar - 40

    Talchhapar - 40

    Talchhapar - 40 Siesta time for others all ... ... as one stands guard ... __________ Lesser Whistling Duck Dendrocygna javanica 24 February 2022
  13. Talchhapar - 39

    Talchhapar - 39

    And ... a Creeper ... who walks like ... a Nuthatch _________ ... see the tail position and compare it with that of the Nuthatch in the video posted today ... __________ Unlike these two ... Treecreepers always support themselves on long & stiff tail feathers ... ________ Indian...
  14. Talchhapar - 38

    Talchhapar - 38

    Another misty morning capture at that magical oasis of a grassland ... ... in the midst of Thar desert ... Common Kestrel 24 February 2022
  15. Talchhapar - 37

    Talchhapar - 37

    Talchhapar - 37 Another ... ... one that waited ... a wee bit longer ... to pose for a shoot ... ... on that misty morning at Talchhapar ... that was opening up slowly __________ Brown Shrike 24 February 2022
  16. Talchhapar - 36

    Talchhapar - 36

    A misty late morning ... _______________ Where ... dreams have ... wings Where they fly ... And ... there They are captured ... ... as well ______________ Talchhapar Blackbuck Sanctuary 24 February 2022 8.28 am
  17. Talchhapar - 35

    Talchhapar - 35

    It was a misty late morning at Talchhapar ... This guy ... then came to a wonderful perch ... decided to give us a decent chance ... _________ Long-billed Pipit Talchhapar Blackbuck Sanctuary 24 February 2022
  18. Talchhapar - 34

    Talchhapar - 34

    Occasionally ... not often ... though ... in a good moment ... pose ... and perch combine ... in favorable lighting ... to make it a touch sublime ... _________ Indian Roller Talchhapar Blackbuck Sanctuary Churu : Rajasthan : India 24 February 2022
  19. Talchappar - 33 : Blackbuck : males fighting or lekking : Amazing wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Talchappar - 33 : Blackbuck : males fighting or lekking : Amazing wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Talchhapar reserve is named after these handsome antelopes ... Here two fully grown males are engaged in a serious business involving real state ... that is used as a lek ... visited by females ... ready to mate ... One can see the huge salt heaps, harvested here ... on the edge of the...
  20. Talchhapar - 32 : Lekking ...

    Talchhapar - 32 : Lekking ...

    Lekking ... Talchhapar reserve is named after these handome antelopes ... Here two fully grown males are engaged in a serious business involving real state ... that is used as a lek ... visited by females ... ready to mate ... Blackbuck is the only extant member of the Genus 'Antilope'...
  21. Talchhapar - 31 : Crested Lark : spring melody : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Talchhapar - 31 : Crested Lark : spring melody : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Spring melody ... This lovely crooner ... the crested Lark is rendering his fabulous ... spring melody ... Crested Lark Talchhapar Blackbuck Sanctuary Churu : Rajasthan : India 24 February 2022
  22. Talchhapar - 30

    Talchhapar - 30

    White-eared Bulbul ... was considered to be a subspecies of Himalayan Bulbul ... ... now has a full species status ... Part of a superspecies that has five more species of Bulbuls ... aka ... White-cheeked Bulbul Talchhapar Blackbuck Sanctuary Churu : Rajasthan : India 24.02.2022
  23. Talchhapar - 29

    Talchhapar - 29

    Are you kidding ... ! This big guy was in no mood to tolerate our overtures ... The look says it all ... ______________ Steppe Eagle Talchappar Blackbuck Sancturay Churu : Rajasthan : India 24 February 2022
  24. Talchhapar - 28

    Talchhapar - 28

    Here's a pair of Yellow-throated Sparrow the courting pair ... ... that had already shortlisted the potential nesting loction ... Females have faint yellow in the throat but it may absent altogether ... The chestnut is usually replaced by brown in females ... All these features vary...
  25. Talchhapar -27

    Talchhapar -27

    These chirpy beauties had already embarked on to the courtship activities ... ... and had become very vocal ... ... by the last week of February ________ Chestnut-shouldered Petronia aka Yellow-throated Sparrow aka Chestnut-shouldered Bush-Sparrow ( Gymnoris xanthocollis )