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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

costa rica

  1. Crimson-collared Tanager

    Crimson-collared Tanager

  2. Sunbittern


  3. Male Snowcap  Hummingbird

    Male Snowcap Hummingbird

  4. Red-billed Pigeon

    Red-billed Pigeon

  5. Montezuma Oropendola

    Montezuma Oropendola

  6. IMG_0168.jpeg


    Crimson-collared tanager
  7. Crane Hawk

    Crane Hawk

    Crane Hawk (Geranospiza caerulescens nigra)
  8. Olive-backed Euphonia

    Olive-backed Euphonia

    Olive-backed Euphonia (Euphonia gouldi praetermissa)
  9. Pale-vented Pigeon

    Pale-vented Pigeon

    Pale-vented Pigeon (Patagioenas cayennensis pallidicrissa) A surprise to see it snowing in Costa Rica's Caribbean lowlands (lol).
  10. Lesser Ground Cuckoo

    Lesser Ground Cuckoo

    Lesser Ground Cuckoo (Morococcyx erythropygus erythropygus) declaring its territory.
  11. B

    Costa Rica trip in March

    Just a few easy questions as this is our first trip to CR. We’re staying close to Cartago and will bird in that general area. For the beginning of March, are mosquitoes an issue? My online search says no but these bugs love me so I want to be prepared. I’ve emailed a few guides and our hotel...
  12. House Gecko

    House Gecko

    House Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus: Gekkonidae) These small geckos range from 7.5-15.0 cm (3.0-5.9 in) long.
  13. Grass-Veneer Moth

    Grass-Veneer Moth

    Grass-Veneer Moth (Crambidae)
  14. Blue Dacnis, male

    Blue Dacnis, male

    Blue Dacnis (Dacnis cayana ultramarina) male.
  15. Blue-gray Tanager

    Blue-gray Tanager

    Blue-gray Tanager (Thraupis episcopus cana)
  16. Robber Frog

    Robber Frog

    Robber Frog (Craugastor sp.: Craugastoridae)
  17. Chestnut-headed Oropendola

    Chestnut-headed Oropendola

    Chestnut-headed Oropendola (Psarocolius wagleri ridgwayi)
  18. Yellow-Olive Flycatcher

    Yellow-Olive Flycatcher

    Yellow-olive Flycatcher (Tolmomyias sulphurescens cinereiceps)
  19. Royal Tern

    Royal Tern

    Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus) non-breeding plumage.
  20. Band-tailed Pigeon

    Band-tailed Pigeon

    Band-tailed Pigeon (Patagioenas fasciata crissalis)
  21. Chestnut-capped Warbler

    Chestnut-capped Warbler

    Chestnut-capped Warbler (Basileuterus delattrii delattrii)
  22. Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher

    Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher

    Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher (Myiodynastes luteiventris)
  23. Whimbrels


    Whimbrels (Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus)
  24. Canivet's Emerald, Male

    Canivet's Emerald, Male

    Canivet’s Emerald (Cynanthus canivetii salvini) male. Nectaring red-flowered Porterweed.
  25. Gray Hawk, Juvenile

    Gray Hawk, Juvenile

    Gray Hawk (Buteo plagiatus) juvenile.