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delhi-haryana border

  1. Lakescape-982 : Dunlin : in partially eclipsed plumage : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Lakescape-982 : Dunlin : in partially eclipsed plumage : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Dunlin ... a winter visitor ... primarily to the coastal India ... ... but seen in inland waterbodies during passage ... Here ... one of them is seen to have some breeding color left on him ... A glimpse of Temminck's Stint is also seen in the recording ... providing an opportunity for...
  2. Lakescape-981


    Very elegant waders ... ... they come early and stay through the winter ... moving locally Widely distributed but ... not in large number __________________ Common Greenshank Najafgarh Wetland and Marshes Delhi-Haryana Border India 26 September 2023
  3. Lakescape-980


    It was a good opportunity to compare these two little shorebirds ... Dunlin looks big in comparison ... to the Temminck's Stint ... While the Stint stays here through the winter ... Dunlin is more of a passage bird ... ________________ Village Badsa Nazafgarh wetland and marshes...
  4. aloktewari

    Gull ID-1

    ID help sought for the Terns seen in the attached images. Location : Village Ghalibpur, Nazafgarh Lake, Delhi-Haryana Border, India Date : 26 September 2023 ... 1.30 pm
  5. Lakescape-901


    Pheasant-tailed Jacana ... in rich monsoon time ... setting __________________ Sahibi River Delhi-Haryana Border India
  6. Raptor-164 : Steppe Eagle : soaring : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Raptor-164 : Steppe Eagle : soaring : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    835 views, 31 likes, 7 loves, 12 comments, 24 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Alok Tewari: Steppe Eagle ... soaring over vanishing wetlands Steppe are large Aquila ... Big in body ... and a long wing span ... These aerial biggies may have a wingspan of 7+ feet ... matching that of Imperial...
  7. Raptor-162 : Short-toed Snake-eagle : soaring : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Raptor-162 : Short-toed Snake-eagle : soaring : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    1K views, 31 likes, 6 loves, 10 comments, 26 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Alok Tewari: Short-toed Snake Eagle ... soaring ... This fabulous serpent-slayer with a wing span of 6 feet plus loves to soar and glide ... ... an awe-inspiring sight to watch him do so using draught and rising...
  8. Wing Commander : Raptor-143

    Wing Commander : Raptor-143

    Those awesome ... ... close to seven feet wings ... ... generate amazing power for this remarkable ... fisherbird ____________ Osprey Nazafgarh wetlands and marshes 13.12.2022
  9. Lakescape-834


    Full frame of a distant rarity ... It was close to dusk ... ... a near horizontal Sun reflected in the bird's eye ... ... and we were searching for this uncommon winter visitor in our area ... in the ... difficult to approach ... vast Nazafgarh Swamps ... since dawn ... the bird...
  10. Lakescape-829


    Marching civilization ... ... wetland and ... Wildlife ... _________ Soon ... There will be only one ... ... before It remains none ... _________________ A female Western Marsh Harrier banks in ... over the sprawling Nazafgarh Wetland and marshes ... ... scattering the waterfowl...
  11. Raptor-141


    Osprey ... ... surveying the wetland ... ... before taking a plunge ... A successful one on this occasion ... __________ Nazafgarh wetlands and marshes Delhi-Haryana Border India 13 December 2022
  12. Raptor-140


    It was minutes before the sunset ... ... today we were winding up day's birding with shots of Northern ... and ... White-tailed lapwings ... ... this Ospprey arrived at the sprawling Nazafgarh Wetlands ... ... It circled over the area for a while and then dived ... that we could not see...
  13. Lakescape-824


    A Great Egret ... loosing its breeding plumage ... ... with an immature Painted Stork ... yet to acquire its paint ... _____________ Nazafgarh Wetlands and marshes Delhi-Haryana Border India 26 July 2022
  14. Lakescape-820


    An uncommon sighting in our area ... There were only two individuals in the vast Nazafgarh Marshes ... with tough-to-approach terrain ... ... and we were lucky to spot them and get a full frame grab ... _________________ Northern Lapwing Delhi-Haryana Border India 21 December 2021
  15. Lakescape-797


    Lakescape-797 _________________ A back-lit dream ... and the light ... ... stayed true Wrapping ... ... the creation in ... pure gold ______________ Flamingos of Nazafgarh Marshes
  16. Flamingos of Nazafgarh : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Flamingos of Nazafgarh : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    2.1K views, 76 likes, 11 loves, 44 comments, 39 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Alok Tewari Amazing Wildlife of India by ... Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari Flamingos of Nazafgarh ... A timeless ... .. day-dream In slow motion _______________ Phoenicopterus roseus Nazafgarh Wetland and...
  17. Lakescape - 759 Amazing Wildlife of India by ... Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Lakescape - 759 Amazing Wildlife of India by ... Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    1.2K views, 78 likes, 11 loves, 19 comments, 26 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Alok Tewari Oriental Pratincole immature ... and Little Stint Badsa Nazafgarh Wetlands Gurgaon India
  18. Lakescape - 751

    Lakescape - 751

    Behavior ... An endearing wetland scene ... ... as Lakescape no. 751 ... showing a wonderful inter species interaction ... Here ... a Black-winged Stilt is seen dive bombing and shooing away a pair of Sarus Crane who, inadvertently veered close to its nesting site ... Th former is ...
  19. Lakescape - 745

    Lakescape - 745

    Elegant waders these ... _______ Marsh Sandpiper
  20. Lakescape - 744

    Lakescape - 744

    Bird ... with ... receding breeding plumage ... and Shades of green ... ________ Pheasant-tailed Jacana Delhi-Haryana Border India
  21. P O V

    P O V

    Alternate point of view ... __________ All color is ... noise Black 'n white is peace ... Not once ... but ... twice __________ Pied Bushchat Delhi-Haryana Border India
  22. Lakescape - 742

    Lakescape - 742

    Life ... Earth ... Claim And reclaim ____ Gigantic constructs ... of Civilization Advancing ... ... To claim The earth ... When ... Nature Decides to Reclaim ... ... It will need tools no bigger than Corona ... ... Or Merely ... paving Way to ... Self destruct ______ A section of...
  23. Lakescape - 741

    Lakescape - 741

    Another early arrival to our area ... with plenty of breeding color still on him ... ... recorded on 26 July 2022 Common Redshank Delhi-Haryana Border India
  24. Lakescape - 739

    Lakescape - 739

    He spooked a Wood Sandpiper feeding quietly in the paddy field ... as the young Skimmer flew low over the surface ... Many more Sandpipers and a few Ruffs are seen close to the edge of the field ... ... near the footpath ... __________ Indian Skimmer ... Globally Threatened Wood...
  25. Lakescape - 738

    Lakescape - 738

    The vast expanse of agrarian wilderness ... ... inundated fields ... adjacent marshes and bogs ... ... with plenty of bird activity ... some rarities thrown in ... to whip up the keen-ness to be there ... Truly enthralling ... _________ Delhi-Haryana Border 26 July 2022