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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Frubecula

    Pluvialis dominica? or fulva?

    Location: RNLED, Canidelo, V.N. de Gaia, Portugal, 41°8'8" N 8°39'49" W Date: 2023-06-09 An individual next to two p. squatarola and one t. totanus. I attach eight photos. More relevant photos on the eBird list: https://ebird.org/portugal/checklist/S140961617 I have photos from other angles...
  2. Belted Kingfisher

    Belted Kingfisher

    I was surprised by seeing where this Kingfisher had chosen to place itself. That is the main reason I uploaded, I do not think it is the greatest portrait ever.
  3. Young boy

    Young boy

    This younger male still have some gray feathers and other signs that it is just changing into its first adult plumage
  4. Lesser Antillean Bullfinch

    Lesser Antillean Bullfinch

    At least one of these two behaved like a youngster
  5. Lesser Antillean Bullfinch, female

    Lesser Antillean Bullfinch, female

  6. Antillean Crested Hummingbird

    Antillean Crested Hummingbird

  7. Purple-throated Carib

    Purple-throated Carib

    It is rare to catch the angle to the sun where the throat really shines. Most often, it is the wing and the rump that makes it worth while to look at.
  8. Bananaquit


  9. Broad-winged Hawk

    Broad-winged Hawk

    This bird was sitting calling. It belongs to the local subspecies rivierei.
  10. Lesser Antillean Flycatcher

    Lesser Antillean Flycatcher

    This is late summer so the uppermost tail feathers have been moulted (they are like the outer vanes of those visible here). Therefore, the more contrasting pattern of the next pair can be easily seen on this image.
  11. Lesser Antillean Swift - 3

    Lesser Antillean Swift - 3

    This image is not truly sharp enough, but I was surprised by the amount of color this swift was hiding. Niels
  12. Lesser Antillean Swift - 2

    Lesser Antillean Swift - 2

    I had not expected I would be able to see the grey area at the rump which is just hinted at in the field guides.
  13. Lesser Antillean Swift - 1

    Lesser Antillean Swift - 1

    With my previous setup I think I would have given up before I got started.
  14. Lesser Antillean Saltator

    Lesser Antillean Saltator

    This looks pretty wet. I am not sure if there had been a shower just before (not surprising if there were) or if it had been bathing.
  15. Crested Anole

    Crested Anole

    Paper thin DOF is usually not my thing, but I think it actually works on this one
  16. Lesser Antillean Iguana

    Lesser Antillean Iguana

    I assume this is an adult female. A male of this size should start to show black coloration
  17. Lesser Antillean Bullfinch

    Lesser Antillean Bullfinch

    This is one of a number of birds that come every morning when we put out a little bit of bread.
  18. Zenaida Dove

    Zenaida Dove

    This is one of our usual birds who decided trying to walk all the way up to us today
  19. Caribbean Elaenia

    Caribbean Elaenia

    There was a fair bit of wind for example making the crest less than ordered.
  20. Fledged Gray Kingbird

    Fledged Gray Kingbird

    The left hand bird is adult and the right hand bird left the nest either yesterday or today. It seemed the morsel that the parent was trying to feed it was a bit on the big side, a good deal of it ended up in the stomach of the parent ;)
  21. Gray Kingbird

    Gray Kingbird

    One more image from today. This was a little closer than the warbler and twice the length so about 8 times the bulk.
  22. Plumbeous Warbler

    Plumbeous Warbler

    One from our back yard today. It does not often sit still at all, but this one did. The only thing missing would have been a little more light ;)
  23. Smooth-billed Ani (Crotophaga ani)

    Smooth-billed Ani (Crotophaga ani)

    Smooth-billed Ani (Crotophaga ani)
  24. LA Bullfinch female

    LA Bullfinch female

  25. Jaco


    For once, sun and a bird at the same time ;)