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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

el valle

  1. Spectacled Owl

    Spectacled Owl

    Juvenile bird to the right, and less obvious the back of an adult to the left.
  2. Crested Caracara

    Crested Caracara

    Subspecies cheriway. This is an immature bird, look at the streaked rather than barred upper breast, and the pinkish bare skin at base of the bill.
  3. Hoffman's Two-toed Sloth

    Hoffman's Two-toed Sloth

    "Ahhh, it is good to be scratched right there, I am just going to close my eyes and enjoy ..." I also uploaded a short video of this animal.
  4. Hoffman's Two-toed Sloth scratching

    Hoffman's Two-toed Sloth scratching

    They seem to be spending a lot of time doing that! This animal was hanging by the right side limbs and using both of the left interchangeably to scratch.
  5. Staring Contest

    Staring Contest

    I saw these two birds at a large distance, a Crested Oropendola and a Black-chested Jay. They were, as far as I know, not in touching distance at any time, but eventually, the oropendola took over the top seat and the jay disappeared.
  6. White-vented Plumeleteer

    White-vented Plumeleteer

    I could have chosen to show a portrait here, but I liked the yellow colors in lower left as a contrast to the green of the bird.
  7. Common Tody-Flycatcher juvenile

    Common Tody-Flycatcher juvenile

    Another bird from right outside our balcony. I strongly believe this is a juvenile based on gape, buffy tint to wing markings, and overall grayness. Subspecies wetmorei.
  8. Yellow-crowned Euphonia

    Yellow-crowned Euphonia

    Outside our balcony was a tall bush/little tree with some nice birds.
  9. The frontal view

    The frontal view

    Scale-crested Pygmy Tyrant - This is subspecies luteiventris. Unfortunately, I am yet to see this species with the crest raised.
  10. The back side view

    The back side view

    Scale-crested Pygmy Tyrant - I am uploading the frontal view in a minute. This is subspecies luteiventris
  11. Black-crowned Antpitta singing

    Black-crowned Antpitta singing

    A singing bird near El Valle de Anton, Cocle, Panama. There is another sound near the end, I am not sure if that is human generated or what.
  12. Black-crowned Antpitta

    Black-crowned Antpitta

    This bird stood around for a long time singing its heart out.
  13. Yellow-billed Cacique

    Yellow-billed Cacique

  14. Keel-billed Toucan

    Keel-billed Toucan

    It looks like it's about to fly off, but it sat like that for a while
  15. Rufous-and-white Wren

    Rufous-and-white Wren

    Subspecies castanonotus, immature bird
  16. Long-billed Starthroat

    Long-billed Starthroat

    Back at the lodge after a long day, this one enticed to a pre-dinner photo.
  17. Yellow-bellied Seedeater

    Yellow-bellied Seedeater

    A few moment after the other shot I uploaded but now in a tree.
  18. Seedeater's Paradise

    Seedeater's Paradise

    Yellow-bellied Seedeater in a stalk with lots of seeds. No wonder it was singing happily!
  19. Green Kingfisher male

    Green Kingfisher male

    Finding the spot allowing it to check the stream below.
  20. The little thief

    The little thief

    I have most often seen hummingbirds with long bills being interested in this flower. However, Bananaquit also likes the nectar, but because it has a short sharp bill, it has to make a back door to get into the goods.
  21. White-shouldered Tanager

    White-shouldered Tanager

    The female is actually found but very out of focus in the upper left corner. Below the bill of the male, on the leaf is something orange - this seems to have been some type of morsel, on the following images it was trying to bite off a piece.
  22. Ghost bird

    Ghost bird

    Black-chested Jay - it was really dark when I took this photo
  23. Common Basilisk

    Common Basilisk

    We saw this one most days while at the Canopy Lodge, always on a rock in the creek running through the property.
  24. Tawny-crested Tanager immature male

    Tawny-crested Tanager immature male

    This bird was part of a larger flock. I am convinced it is an immature male given the female like colors on the side of the head and the hint of a tawny crest feather.
  25. Tawny-crested Tanager

    Tawny-crested Tanager
