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  1. Eastern plantain-eater

    Eastern plantain-eater

  2. Male Red-billed Firefinch

    Male Red-billed Firefinch

  3. Northern grey-headed sparrow

    Northern grey-headed sparrow

  4. White-browed Robin-chat

    White-browed Robin-chat

  5. Eastern Plantain-eater

    Eastern Plantain-eater

  6. Black-headed Gonolek

    Black-headed Gonolek

  7. Speckled pigeon

    Speckled pigeon

  8. Female Baglafecht weaver

    Female Baglafecht weaver

  9. Common bulbul

    Common bulbul

  10. Juvenile northern black flycatcher

    Juvenile northern black flycatcher

  11. Eastern plantain-eater

    Eastern plantain-eater

  12. Male red-billed firefinch

    Male red-billed firefinch

  13. Northern black flycatcher

    Northern black flycatcher

  14. Double-toothed barbets

    Double-toothed barbets

  15. Black-headed gonolek taking a bath

    Black-headed gonolek taking a bath

  16. African thrush

    African thrush

  17. Bat Hawk

    Bat Hawk

  18. Wood Sandpiper .

    Wood Sandpiper .

  19. Hammer Bat

    Hammer Bat

  20. Meyer's Parrot

    Meyer's Parrot

  21. Striped Ground-Squirrel

    Striped Ground-Squirrel

  22. White-browed Robin-Chat

    White-browed Robin-Chat

    Not the nicest scenery, however in many countries the houses need fences like this one with glas splinters and razor blade wire.
  23. Great Blue Turaco

    Great Blue Turaco

  24. Black and White Casqued Hornbill

    Black and White Casqued Hornbill

  25. Great Blue Turaco

    Great Blue Turaco
