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european starling

  1. Common Starling

    Common Starling

    Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) 1st yr bird landing.
  2. European Starling

    European Starling

    This guy was in line for a dip in the bird bath. Hope you enjoy the image.
  3. European Starling

    European Starling

    The bill turns yellow only during the breeding season. Males have a bluish base to the mandible as seen here. Adult birds are subtly iridescent depending on light angle. Arguably the most successful introduced bird in North America where the current population is estimated to exceed 200 million...
  4. Common Starling, Juvenile

    Common Starling, Juvenile

    Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris vulgaris) juvenile learning the joys of going catatonic while sunbathing (lol). Though it did snap out of it once it realized I was watching.
  5. Common Starling

    Common Starling

    Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) Also known as the European Starling.
  6. Five Common Starlings in a Puddle

    Five Common Starlings in a Puddle

    Five Common Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) “European Starlings” with a female and male Brown-headed Cowbird in the background. .
  7. European Starlings Taking a Bath | #birds #nature #starling

    European Starlings Taking a Bath | #birds #nature #starling

  8. Happy Starling

    Happy Starling

    Just in case you were wondering if birds enjoy being able to fly . . .
  9. Common Starling Singing

    Common Starling Singing

  10. Fueling up

    Fueling up

    Back in October, when we still had good light for photography, my route along the fjord took me past an elderberry shrub. A flock of European Starlings were busy fueling up for their Fall trek southwards. They were mostly too busy to pose where I could get a good view or where the sun was...
  11. European Starling

    European Starling

    European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) also known as the Common Starling. Vocalizing but I am not sure about it singing.
  12. Common garden varieties 3

    Common garden varieties 3

    This year we got almost no currants, black or red, from our many bushes. A big flock of Starlings descended on the garden and ate them all pretty much in a single day. This visit was later, probably checking to see if the little apple berries were ripe yet.
  13. European Starling

    European Starling

    It was very warm today and this young Starling visited to drink and bathe in the water. NX Studio used to crop, adjust levels, and sharpen the image.
  14. Common Starling

    Common Starling

    Another shot taken at my brother's house in 2017. Female bird I think (bill base colour).. Thank you for your comments, stay safe and well. John
  15. European starling

    European starling

    What do you do with the pummeled and broken tree limbs from the recent coastal winter storms? Yes, you chop them up, but don't throw them out: use them as bird perches for photo-ops instead. Here's a European starling trying to figure out how on Earth peanuts got wedged in there.
  16. European starling

    European starling

    Meet my new production manager! Setting up dual remote cameras was intended to give me more varied shots, but this European starling wanted to double-check my settings - can't be too careful. (PS - I have two more to post - everybody was in on it🤣).
  17. Birds on a wire

    Birds on a wire

    The European starlings were all lined up waiting for me to go in the house so they could eat. Jerks! They are supposed to pose for me- that is how it works. You want to eat, you pose! There is no free lunch, LOL!
  18. European Starling

    European Starling

    The bill turns yellow only during the breeding season. Males have a bluish base to the mandible as seen here, lacking in females. Adult birds are subtly iridescent depending on light angle. In this image one can see the shining purple and green colors as well as the white tips to the black...
  19. Move along! Nothing to see here, folks!

    Move along! Nothing to see here, folks!

    Nobody here but us Starlings. OK. So I'll fast forward through July 13 and move on to July 16.
  20. European Starling.jpg

    European Starling.jpg

    European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) Also known as Common Starling. juvenile. An odd colored youngster.
  21. Juvenile European Starling

    Juvenile European Starling

    Originally titled "Meadow Pipit" (I was just starting out with birding), I was glad to be corrected here!
  22. Juvenile European Starling

    Juvenile European Starling

    Three or four juvenile Starlings were feasting on the numerous insects on and around the water buffaloes, who seemed to appreciate the service. I originally thought in my inexperience that I was looking at Meadow Pipits, and was very glad to be corrected here!
  23. Open wide

    Open wide

    Not exactly the inspiration I was seeking before heading out to shop for dinner, but then I'm not a Starling ;)
  24. Ruffled up

    Ruffled up

    after a long preen, or rather between preening rounds.
  25. Or is this profile better?

    Or is this profile better?

    I couldn't decide, so I posted both. I was quite taken with how the iridescence shifted with his poses.