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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Yellowhammer


  2. Jackdaws


    Jackdaws helping themselves to the feeding station.
  3. Field Sparrow

    Field Sparrow

    Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla arenacea)
  4. lift off

    lift off

    On the return from the local lagoons, I took the long way home. At first I thought it was vultures in the field until they lifted off. Got the vehicle stopped and window down just in time to get some flight shots.
  5. skylark at sunset

    skylark at sunset

  6. Short-tailed Field Tyrant

    Short-tailed Field Tyrant

    Short-tailed Field Tyrant (Muscigralla brevicauda) Sexes similar. Leeward side of Reserva National Lomas de Lachay, Huaura Department, Lima Region, Per. Dry hills of Lachay (Dec-May) ca. 355 m (1,165 ft) elevation.
  7. Larking about on the Rape Plant

    Larking about on the Rape Plant

    A field of yellow and to set it of this very obliging skylark.
  8. Field Sparrows on a cold fall morning

    Field Sparrows on a cold fall morning

    First cold morning of the season; had to put my heat on last night. Stepped out on the porch, and these two Field Sparrows were perched on the spruce tree.
  9. Short-tailed Field Tyrant

    Short-tailed Field Tyrant

    Short-tailed Field Tyrant (Muscigralla brevicauda) Sexes similar. Photographed in open disturbed desert northeast of Olmos near Corral Quemado, Piura Department, Peru. Disturbed desert at ca.400 m (1,312 ft) elevation.
  10. Little ID help

    Little ID help

    I think this is a Field Sparrow....or my best guess. Your thoughts
  11. Common Buzzard

    Common Buzzard

    The second, and last, of my 'Buse Variable' shots. It was again taken from the car on the move, sadly, him and I were going in opposite directions!
  12. Common Buzzard

    Common Buzzard

    This is what the French refer to as 'Buse Variable'. I believe this is a youngster, I've searched the internet, but not being an expert, I'm still not sure. I copped this one returning from Aixe-sur-Vienne. I had to stop further down the road, get me camera from the boot and we drove back up...
  13. Field Sparrow

    Field Sparrow

    Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla arenacea) Two subspecies are recognized with both being mapped for Texas. The nominate is mapped for eastern Texas. Sexes similar. Photographed outside of Benbrook, southwest of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, USA. Fort Worth Prairie in the Cross Timbers...
  14. Lancashire Lemon and Lime

    Lancashire Lemon and Lime

  15. Somerset

