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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Male roe deer

    Male roe deer

    Scurrying away
  2. Siberian jay

    Siberian jay

  3. Muskrat


  4. Kneeling elk

    Kneeling elk

    What our American friends call "moose" :)
  5. Lapland Bunting/Longspur in varanger

    Lapland Bunting/Longspur in varanger

    Common bird in marshes in coastal Finnmark
  6. Black Guillemot stranded, Finnmark, Norway

    Black Guillemot stranded, Finnmark, Norway

    These birds has a fantastic colour inside their gape, and their thin song is heard a long distance when there is no wind.
  7. Purple sand on the run

    Purple sand on the run

    These guys are frantically feeding during low tide to get enough shells in their stomach, then they sit and grind them till next low tide.
  8. Broad-billed Sandpiper in Norway

    Broad-billed Sandpiper in Norway

    This from Finnmark, Noway where they breed in quag-mires, really wet dingy stuff.