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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Common tern in flight

    Common tern in flight

  2. Swallow


    Hawking insects low over a meadow.
  3. Oystercatchers in flight

    Oystercatchers in flight

  4. Long-tailed skua in flight

    Long-tailed skua in flight

  5. Curlew in flight

    Curlew in flight

  6. Dropped its lunch

    Dropped its lunch

  7. Squacco Heron

    Squacco Heron

    Garça-Caranguejeira Classificação Científica Reino: Animalia Filo: Chordata Classe: Aves Ordem: Pelecaniformes Família: Ardeidae Leach, 1820 Espécie: A. ralloides Nome Científico Ardeola ralloides (Scopoli, 1769) Nome em Inglês Squacco Heron
  8. Common tern taking off with catch

    Common tern taking off with catch

  9. White-tailed eagle

    White-tailed eagle

  10. Mute swans in flight

    Mute swans in flight

  11. Greylag geese in flight

    Greylag geese in flight

  12. Hartlaub's Turaco

    Hartlaub's Turaco

  13. Royal Tern

    Royal Tern

    By far the most common tern species at this tidal, coastal site with many roosting on the part exposed mud with other smaller tern species and skimmers.
  14. Greater Flamingo : pair flying : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Greater Flamingo : pair flying : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Greater Flamingo ... a pair in flight early morning in winter ... They look amazing in flight ... ... with their legs and necks fully stretched out ... wings beating and bodies heaving ... Found at many locations in India ... they are present in good density in coastal areas ...
  15. Lakescape-1K30 : Great White Pelican : flight : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Lakescape-1K30 : Great White Pelican : flight : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    With wingspan reaching nearly 12 feet ... ... the awesome Great Whites match the best and the biggest in the business ... of avian flight ( Wandering Albatross etc. ... ) We are lucky to have them as winter visitors in the suitable water-bodies in and around Delhi ... ... though occasionally...
  16. White tailed eagle in flight

    White tailed eagle in flight

  17. Dunlins in flight

    Dunlins in flight

  18. Arctic tern in flight

    Arctic tern in flight

  19. Immature white-tailed eagle in flight

    Immature white-tailed eagle in flight

  20. Arctic tern in flight

    Arctic tern in flight

  21. Immature white-tailed eagle

    Immature white-tailed eagle

  22. Arctic tern in flight

    Arctic tern in flight

  23. Returnee


    This Australian Pelican appeared from somewhere and flew over the mud to join some pals.
  24. Arctic tern in flight

    Arctic tern in flight

  25. Arctic terns

    Arctic terns
