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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Spotted Flycatcher

    Spotted Flycatcher

  2. Daan van der hoeven

    Unknown Myiobius flycatcher, Western Ecuador

    Hi guys, Here is yet another unknown ID from my trip to Ecuador. Saw the bird in dense undergrowth at Mindo (Western Slope) in Sept. 2019. Not really sure about the altitude but i think about 1300 m. I was thinking about either Tawny-breasted or Sulphur-rumped but not quite sure. What do you...
  3. Fulvous-breasted flatbill

    Fulvous-breasted flatbill

    A scarce and discreet montane flycatcher, this was the only time I saw it in a year in Peru!
  4. Black-and-white Tody-Flycatcher female

    Black-and-white Tody-Flycatcher female

    And the beautiful female to go along! I'd stopped to shelter from a rainstorm, and not long after the rain had stopped, these two came through the understory behind me, their presence betrayed by their harsh vocalizations. This is a very poorly known bird in the department of Pasco, so I was...
  5. Black-and-white Tody-Flycatcher male

    Black-and-white Tody-Flycatcher male

    A lovely little Amazonian flycatcher with a strange distribution, it has populations in eastern Amazonian Brazil (mainly ParĂ¡), the Peruvian lowlands north of the Amazon, and the foothills of Ecuador and Peru.
  6. Daan van der hoeven

    Pewee Challenge, Ecuador

    Hi guys, Saw this Pewee in Eastern Ecuador at about 1500 m altitude in around October. I was thinking either Smoke-coloured or Blackish Pewee? Thanks
  7. La Sagra's flycatcher

    La Sagra's flycatcher

    Our most rare flycatcher sighting down here - this Bahamas stray very occasionally makes its way across the straits and pops up in South Florida, quite a treat for the local birders if you manage to find it!
  8. Eastern wood pewee

    Eastern wood pewee

    Another flycatcher, even more rare for us than the great crested...this one migrates through and I've only managed to spot one once and get photographs!
  9. Great crested flycatcher

    Great crested flycatcher

    Other than eastern phoebes, most flycatchers are fairly uncommon down in south Florida, so it's always a pleasure to see any of them
  10. Acadian flycatcher

    Acadian flycatcher

    A lifer for me, and so far the only one I've ever spotted or photographed. Not necessarily 'rare' as they migrate through South Florida fall and spring, but they don't often stop by in my wetlands areas and I had never seen one before this. Or since!
  11. Fandango739

    Flycatcher: Ash-throated or Great-crested?

    The bird was seen today in North Cape Coral, Florida. An Ash-throated has been reported as seen in the area multiple times by a number of people lately, however Great-crested would be our norm. I don't want to report the wrong bird. Thanks!
  12. Vermilion flycatcher

    Vermilion flycatcher

    A gorgeous little passerine, more associated with the southwestern U.S. and Mexico...every once in a while one pops up in Florida, usually on the gulf coast - even more rarely, one will appear on the east coast, as this one did in 2018 - my first ever sighting of one.
  13. Red-breasted Flycatcher Female

    Red-breasted Flycatcher Female

  14. Tickell"s Blue flycatcher

    Tickell"s Blue flycatcher

  15. Red-breasted Flycatcher Female

    Red-breasted Flycatcher Female

  16. Dark-sided Flycatcher

    Dark-sided Flycatcher

  17. Chinese Blue Flycatcher

    Chinese Blue Flycatcher

    Male. Rare winter visitor/passage migrant to Singapore.
  18. Chinese Blue Flycatcher

    Chinese Blue Flycatcher

    Male. Male. Rare winter visitor/passage migrant to Singapore.
  19. Himalayas - 507

    Himalayas - 507

    Himalayas - 507 Another Flycatcher ... not easy to get ... resides and ... breeds in Himalayas ... with ... probably some altitudinal movement wih season ... He was on the bank of a small Himalayan stream ... ... in a difficult lighting and setting ... ... still that rufous could not...
  20. Himalayas - 505

    Himalayas - 505

    Himalayas - 505 A post sunset image This species is a rarity not only here ... The video-clip I posted yesterday was just the 2nd ... ... even at ebird / ML with their millions of database ... So ... whatever the quality of image ... I decided to share it ... ... and would share some...
  21. Flycatcher


    A small Flycatcher. Possibly a Least Flycatcher? I'm not sure as several varieties are very similar and I don't know them well enough to tell the differences.
  22. Grey ... on grey

    Grey ... on grey

    Grey on grey ... Another capture on that dismally lit winter day ... We located this winter visitor to the area by its call ... he was hiding in dark understory ... ... thankfully showed up briefly at the top of the bush ... May be seen in a video-clip uploaded today ... Link ...
  23. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

    Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

    Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus forficatus) Preening.
  24. Acadian Flycatcher

    Acadian Flycatcher

    Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens) At least with this view you can tell that it is an Empidonax flycatcher (lol).
  25. Acadian Flycatcher

    Acadian Flycatcher

    Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens) An aerial belly view. A view probably not seen very often (lol).