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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

glossy ibis

  1. Lakescape-1K73


    Casually ... a fairly dark bird ... ... give it light ... and they have the ability ... to set the wetland ... ... aglow ___________________ Glossy Ibis
  2. glossy ibis

    glossy ibis

    from early this morning. hope you like it.
  3. glossy ibis

    glossy ibis

  4. spoonbill and ibis

    spoonbill and ibis

  5. glossy ibis

    glossy ibis

  6. Glossy Ibis

    Glossy Ibis

  7. glossy ibis

    glossy ibis

  8. Lakescape-1K51 : Glossy Ibis foraging feeding & calling : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Lakescape-1K51 : Glossy Ibis foraging feeding & calling : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    A small group of these migratory beauties ... were foraging ... feeding and calling ... ... in an open section of the wetland ... and ... ... all this while displaying their glistening ... iridescent plumage ... _________________ Sultanpur National Park Gurugram Haryana India 22 February 2024
  9. glossy ibis

    glossy ibis

  10. glossy ibis

    glossy ibis

  11. glossy ibis

    glossy ibis

  12. glossy ibis

    glossy ibis

  13. glossy ibis

    glossy ibis

  14. ibises and egrets

    ibises and egrets

  15. glossy ibis

    glossy ibis

  16. Lakescape-996


    This is how the wetland was lost ... __________________ Glossy Ibis Basai Wetlands Gurugram Haryana India
  17. Landing ibis

    Landing ibis

    an early visit to the shore to see if there is a kingfisher, was received by three of these beauties, first they flew then they decided that i am no threat and came back. hope you like it.
  18. Glossy Ibis

    Glossy Ibis

    Glossy Ibis foraging
  19. Glossy ibis

    Glossy ibis

    Captured trough a dense hedge.
  20. glossy ibis

    glossy ibis

  21. Glossy Ibis

    Glossy Ibis

  22. glossy ibises

    glossy ibises

  23. glossy ibis

    glossy ibis

  24. glossy ibis

    glossy ibis

  25. Glossy ibis

    Glossy ibis
