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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

great egret

  1. Great Egret

    Great Egret

    I took this only a few minuets before the pine warbler with the identity crises. I'ts full frame
  2. Great Egret

    Great Egret

  3. Great Egret

    Great Egret

  4. Great Egret

    Great Egret

  5. Great Egret

    Great Egret

  6. Great Egret

    Great Egret

    A great egret a few moments before landing.
  7. Great Egret

    Great Egret

  8. Great Egret

    Great Egret

    Great Egret in flight
  9. Great Egret

    Great Egret

    A great egret just before landing.
  10. Great Egret and Glossy Ibis

    Great Egret and Glossy Ibis

    A visit to a very windy Dungeness gave me the unexpected opportunity to photograph a Great Egret and Glossy Ibis in the same frame. They were at a greater distance than I would have liked, but at least I got the shot.
  11. Great Egret

    Great Egret

  12. Reflections (Egret and Birches).

    Reflections (Egret and Birches).

    Great egret .NE Creuse; Autumn 2011.
  13. Great Egret

    Great Egret

  14. Great Egret

    Great Egret

  15. Great Egret

    Great Egret

    Casually snapped these shots of the Egret hunting and couldn't believe the results!
  16. Great Egret in Dallas, Texas

    Great Egret in Dallas, Texas

    Great Egret in Dallas, Texas
  17. Great Egret Grooming

    Great Egret Grooming

  18. Great Egrets fight

    Great Egrets fight

  19. Great Egrets fight

    Great Egrets fight

    The Great Egrets didn't break it off as they usually do and one had the others neck and was stomped under the water for quite a few seconds.
  20. Great Egrets chase

    Great Egrets chase

    These great egrets really got stuck into each other.
  21. Great Egret

    Great Egret

  22. White Heron

    White Heron

    This bird appears to be getting use to me, allowing me to get this close-up. I ran into another photographer, who spent four hours on this bird. I suggested he should join Birdforum.
  23. Got one!

    Got one!

    This Great Egret was standing in a marsh pool just a few feet away from a Grey Heron. The heron was doing his big splashdowns, catching fish after fish, while the egret just stood there stock still. After watching them for some time, I decided it was time to move on. Just as I walked away, the...
  24. White Heron

    White Heron

    Testing out my right eye after a cataract operation a couple of days ago. This heron was sitting nicely for me. What luck!
  25. Love song of the Great Egrets (3)

    Love song of the Great Egrets (3)
