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guanacaste province

  1. Gray-necked Woodrail

    Gray-necked Woodrail

    Gray-necked Wood Rail (Aramides cajanea cajanea) Eight subspecies are recognized with two occurring in Costa Rica. The nominate which is wide spread and subspecies plumbeicolis found in the Caribbean lowlands of northeast Costa Rica. Sexes similar. Photographed in Santa Rosa National Park...
  2. Great Kiskadee

    Great Kiskadee

    Great Kiskadee (Pitangus sulphuratus guatimalensis) Ten subspecies are recognized with only subspecies guatimalensis being mapped for Costa Rica. Photographed near Smara, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. Disturbed tropical dry forest at ca. 20 m (66 ft) elevation.
  3. Black-headed Trogon (male)

    Black-headed Trogon (male)

    Black-headed Trogon (Trogon melanocephalus illaetabilis) Two subspecies are currently recognized including the nominate. The nominate is found along the Caribbean slope while subspecies illaetabilis is found in the northwest part of Guanacaste along the Pacific-slope inland to Central...
  4. Black-headed Trogon (female)

    Black-headed Trogon (female)

    Black-headed Trogon (Trogon melanocephalus illaetabilis) Two subspecies are currently recognized including the nominate. The nominate is found along the Caribbean slope while subspecies illaetabilis is found in the northwest part of Guanacaste along the Pacific-slope inland to Central...
  5. Greater White-lined Bat

    Greater White-lined Bat

    Greater White-lined Bat (Saccopteryx bilineata: Emballonuridae) These bats have body lengths of ca. 9 cm (3.5 in) with wingspans reaching 25 .4 cm (10 in). A small roosting colony in a partially dead hardwood. Blue River, Cordillera de Guanacaste, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. Lower...
  6. Nicaraguan Slider

    Nicaraguan Slider

    Nicaraguan Slider (Trachemys emolli: Emydidae) Their carapace ranges from 12.5-38 cm long (5-15 in). Photographed in Ro Frio, Cao Negro Wildlife Refuge, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica near the town of Cao Negro. Riverine with some fresh water swamps, pastureland and Cao Negro Lagoon with...
  7. Mangrove Tree Crab (male)

    Mangrove Tree Crab (male)

    Mangrove Tree Crab (Aratus pisonii: Seasarmidae) The average carapace width is 1.8-2.0 cm (0.71-0.79 in( with the largest measured being 2.7 cm (1.1 in). Only the males have well developed claws or pinchers. The bright red structures in front of the eyes. Photographed on a Red Mangrove growing...
  8. Long-tailed Manakin (male)

    Long-tailed Manakin (male)

    Long-tailed Manakin (Chiroxiphia linearis fastuosa) Two subspecies are recognized with only subspecies fastuosa being mapped for Costa Rica. Species sexually dimorphic. Photographed in Nosara Biological Reserve, Nosara, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. Tropical dry forest at ca. 2 m (6.6 ft)...
  9. Long-tailed Manakin (female)

    Long-tailed Manakin (female)

    Long-tailed Manakin (Chiroxiphia linearis fastuosa) Two subspecies are recognized with only subspecies fastuosa being mapped for Costa Rica. Species sexually dimorphic. Photographed in Nosara Biological Reserve, Nosara, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. Tropical dry forest at ca. 2 m (6.6 ft)...
  10. Roadside Hawk

    Roadside Hawk

    Roadside Hawk (Buteo magnirostris griseocauda) Fourteen subspecies are recognized with two being mapped for Costa Rica. Subspecies griseocauda is mapped for northwestern Costa Rica while subspecies petulans is found in southwestern Costa Rica. Photographed in Santa Rosa National Park on the...
  11. Osprey


    Osprey also known as the Fish Hawk (Pandion haliaetus carolinensis) Four subspecies are recognized with only subspecies carolinensis wintering in Costa Rica. Photographed in Ro Nosara, Nosara Biological Reserve, Nosara, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. Sexes similar. Canon EOS 7D with a Canon...
  12. Northern Barred Woodcreeper

    Northern Barred Woodcreeper

    Northern Barred Woodcreeper (Dendrocolaptes sanctithomae sanctithomae) Four subspecies are recognized with two being mapped for Costa Rica. The nominate is fairly wide spread in Costa Rica while subspecies hesperius is restricted to southwestern Costa Rica. Photographed this large Woodcreeper...
  13. Mother and Daughter

    Mother and Daughter

    Mantled Howler Monkey also known as the Golden-mantled Howler Monkey (Alouatta palliata: Atelidae) Photographed in Nosara, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. Tropical dry forest at ca. 30 m (98 ft) elevation.
  14. Passerini's Tanager (male)

    Passerini's Tanager (male)

    Passerinis Tanager (Ramphocelus passerinii) The Caribbean form of the Scarlet-rumped Tanager (R. passerinii) was renamed the Passerinis Tanager. The Pacific form of the Scarlet-rumped tanager was split and is now known as the Cheeries Tanager (R. costaricensis). Distribution and the females...
  15. Passerini's Tanager (female)

    Passerini's Tanager (female)

    Passerinis Tanager (Ramphocelus passerinii) The Caribbean form of the Scarlet-rumped Tanager (R. passerinii) was renamed the Passerinis Tanager. The Pacific form of the Scarlet-rumped tanager was split and is now known as the Cheeries Tanager (R. costaricensis). Distribution and the females...
  16. Red Cracker Butterfly

    Red Cracker Butterfly

    Red Cracker (Hamadryas amphinome: Nymphalidae) This brushfoot gets its common name from its predominately red outer lower wing not visible in this view. Its wingspan is 7.8-8.6 cm (3.06-3.38 in). Photographed in Nosara, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. Tropical dry forest at ca. 30 m (98 ft)...
  17. Lineated Woodpecker (male)

    Lineated Woodpecker (male)

    Lineated Woodpecker (Dryocopus lineatus similis) Five subspecies are recognized with only subspecies similis being mapped for Costa Rica. Photographed along the banks of Ro Frio near Cao Negro in the Cao Negro Wildlife Refuge, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. Riverine with some fresh water...
  18. Black-cheeked Woodpecker (male)

    Black-cheeked Woodpecker (male)

    Black-cheeked Woodpecker (Melanerpes pucherani) Photographed on a banana inflorescence at Blue River, Cordillera de Guanacaste, north-slope of Rincon de La Vieja Volcano, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica, Caribbean-slope, just west of Buenos Aires. Lower montane cloud forest at ca. 650 m (2,133...
  19. Red-legged Honeycreeper (male)

    Red-legged Honeycreeper (male)

    Red-legged Honeycreeper (Cyanerpes cyaneus carneipes) Eleven subspecies are recognized with only subspecies carneipes being mapped for Costa Rica. Species sexually dimorphic. A flock of about ten birds were foraging in a stand of Porterweed (Stachytarpheta frantzii: Verbenaceae). Photographed...
  20. Red-legged Honeycreeper (female)

    Red-legged Honeycreeper (female)

    Red-legged Honeycreeper (Cyanerpes cyaneus carneipes) Eleven subspecies are recognized with only subspecies carneipes being mapped for Costa Rica. Species sexually dimorphic. A flock of about ten birds were foraging in a stand of Porterweed (Stachytarpheta frantzii: Verbenaceae). Photographed...
  21. Cinnamon Hummingbird (female/juvenile)

    Cinnamon Hummingbird (female/juvenile)

    Cinnamon Hummingbird (Amazilia rutila corallirostris) Four subspecies are recognized with only subspecies corallirostris being mapped for Costa Rica. Sexes similar but female and juvenile has a mostly black bill while males have a mostly red bill. Photographed in Nosara Biological Reserve...
  22. Brown-crested Flycatcher

    Brown-crested Flycatcher

    Brown-crested Flycatcher (Myiarchus tyrannulus bracyhurus) Ten subspecies have been described, three have placed in synonymy leaving seven recognized subspecies. Only subspecies brachyurus is mapped for Costa Rica. Photographed at Naranjo Station in Santa Rosa National Park, Guanacaste...
  23. Common Tody-flycatcher

    Common Tody-flycatcher

    Common Tody-flycatcher (Todirostrum cinereum finitimum) Eight subspecies are recognized with two being mapped for Costa Rica. Only subspecies finitimum is mapped for northwest Costa Rica. Subspecies wetmorei is found in Central and eastern Costa Rica south into Panama. Photographed at Blue...
  24. Scaly-breasted Hummingbird

    Scaly-breasted Hummingbird

    Scaly-breasted Hummingbird (Phaeochroa cuvierii roberti) Five subspecies are recognized with two being mapped for Costa Rica. Subspecies maculicauda is mapped for the Pacific-slope while subspecies is mapped for the Atlantic-slope. Photographed at Blue River, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica...
  25. Black-faced Grosbeak

    Black-faced Grosbeak

    Black-faced Grosbeak (Caryothraustes poliogaster scapularis) Two subspecies are recognized including the nominate. Only subspecies scapularis is mapped for Costa Rica. Sexes similar. Photographed in Blue River, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. Lower montane cloud forest at ca. 650 m (2,133...