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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Raptor-221


    It is a privilege to watch this awesome winter visitor soar overhead ... ... and serendipity to get the complete ... top view of the plumage ... ... with those magnificent long fingers in full action ... _______________ White-tailed Eagle Sultanpur National Park India
  2. Hairy ...

    Hairy ...

    ... caterpillars are their favorite food ... ... and his morning effort has been rewarded ... duly ... ____________________ Common Woodshrike Sultanpur National Park Gurugram Haryana India 22 February 2024
  3. Common Woodshrike : foraging and calling : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Common Woodshrike : foraging and calling : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Small passerine bird of lightly wooded areas ... ... fond in India and south Asia Three individuals were seen foraging and calling in the early spring morning ... _____________________ Common Wood shrike Sultanpur National Park ( A Ramsar Site ) Gurugram Haryana India 22 February 2924
  4. Lakescape-1K44


    Another ... ... one taken on Sun at the horizon moment ... ... keeping the memory of a fabulous lost wetland alive ... ______________________ Lost wetland of Basai Gurugram Haryana India
  5. Spring ...

    Spring ...

    ... has arrived Renu and I, had a wonderful daylong birding trip to Sultanpur National Park ... and adjoining flats and wetlands The visit was primarily intended to ... listen to the spring time changes in the calls ... ... introduction of songs in vocal repertoire of the resident...
  6. A perch ...

    A perch ...

    ... that is a larder ... ... as well ___________ Red Avadavat ... eclipse male 2 February 2023
  7. Lakescape-1K20 : A little ...

    Lakescape-1K20 : A little ...

    ... shaky alter-ego ... ___________________ Black-winged Stilt
  8. Raptor-209 : Western Marsh Harrier attacking Purple Heron : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Raptor-209 : Western Marsh Harrier attacking Purple Heron : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Marsh Harriers ... ... usually do not attack a big Heron ... such as a Purple Heron ... But here, one of them is doing so ... Village Chandu Gurugram Haryana India 2 February 2023 ... 4.12 pm
  9. Raptor-208


    Western Marsh Harrier Village Chandu Gurugram Haryana India 2 February 2023
  10. Greetings ...

    Greetings ...

    Merry Christmas ... ... Season's Greetings and ... a very happy New Year 2024 to ... all the friends and fellow travelers at the Bird Forum ... Alok & Renu
  11. A regular ...

    A regular ...

    ... winter visitor to Indian plains Eclipse male Gurugram Haryana India 7 December 2023
  12. Isabelline Wheatear : well camouflaged : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Isabelline Wheatear : well camouflaged : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    A winter visitor to India Captured in District Gurgaon, Haryana India Difficult to locate in its surroundings. ____________________ Sultanpur Flats 4 January 2016
  13. Lakescape-1K8


    Another combo of good lighting ... ... and optimal head turn ... ... yielded a satisfying result ________________ Wood Sandpiper Sultanpur flats Gurugram Haryana India 8 August 2023
  14. Feel good ...

    Feel good ...

    Always feels good to capture a Wryneck ...
  15. Upturned ...

    Upturned ...

    ... soil not virgin though ... and lapwings ponder over the shenanigans ____________ Yellow-wattled Lapwing Vanellus malabaricus Village Mankrola Gurugram Haryana India 26 September 2023
  16. Lakescape-998


    A Marshian ... ... might swim ... but ... rarely ... _________________ Marsh Sandpiper ... in breeding plumage Lost wetland Basai Gurugram Haryana India
  17. Lakescape-997


    Remembering the Lost Wetland ... ____________________ Black-winged Stilt
  18. Lakescape-996


    This is how the wetland was lost ... __________________ Glossy Ibis Basai Wetlands Gurugram Haryana India
  19. Lakescape-995


    Ever so ... ... elegant ________________ Nazafgarh Wetland and Marshes Delhi-Gurugram Border Gurugram Haryana
  20. Lakescape-994


    Memory of a lost wetland ... ____________________ Baillon's Crake Basai Wetlands Gurugram Haryana India 19.03.2015
  21. Lakescape-992


    A breeding pair ... ... with the setting sun in the male's eye ...
  22. A gang ...

    A gang ...

    ... of Grey Francolins ... gorging on the seeds collected by ants ... ... while one of them ... keeps guard ______________________ Sultanpur Flats Gurugram Haryana India
  23. Lakescape-991


    Sometimes ... ... them waders do ... come close _________________ Ruff Inundated agrarian wilderness Gurugram Haryana India
  24. Lakescape-985 : Spotted Crake : rarity in lost wetland : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Lakescape-985 : Spotted Crake : rarity in lost wetland : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Post sunset record of this rare winter visitor to India ... ... now that ... this wetland is totally wiped out ... it may be well nigh impossible to spot another Spotted Crake ... soon Lost Wetland of Basai Gurugram Haryana India
  25. Raptor-200


    Definitely ... ... deserves to be 200th Raptor post ... ________________ White-tailed Eagle Sultanpur National Park Gurugram Haryana India 2 February 2022