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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. S

    Massachusetts - Rare Broad-winged Hawk??

    I spotted this bird while using my drone in the greater Boston area Not quite sure what species of Hawk it is. Apparently, Broad-winged Hawks migrate through this area towards the end of April... Any help in identifying this bird would be greatly appreciated
  2. Fandango739

    SW Florida USA - Hawk(s)

    Seen today in Cape Coral, Florida, over mangroves. 1 - 3) One sighting. 2 - 8) Second sighting
  3. Cooper’s Hawk

    Cooper’s Hawk

    This hawk landed on my deck while I was in the house. I took a shot through the patio window. Luckily he didn’t see me moving around to get the background and angle I wanted. Hope you enjoy the image.
  4. cooper's Hawk call in my yard view full video on my youtube channel through the link

    cooper's Hawk call in my yard view full video on my youtube channel through the link

    Beautiful Cooper's Hawk calling in my yard
  5. Red-Shouldered_CtP_1-13-24_8875.jpg


    Red-Shouldered Hawk
  6. W

    Colorado (sharp-shinned?) hawk with black and white breast

    This bird looks like a sharp-shinned hawk, but it's breast is mostly black, with some white specks. This image was taken in Denver, and it has been very cold for several days. Sorry for blurry image.
  7. hawk hanging out and calling on our roof. Do you know what kind it is?

    hawk hanging out and calling on our roof. Do you know what kind it is?

    It sounds like a red shouldered hawk based off the audio I looked up online but it has a white chest with brown spots and looks very much like, if not the same one, as the last hawk video I just posted which I assumed to be a red-tailed hawk
  8. hawk scavenging then flies away beautiful..but what kind is it? Red-tailed is my guess

    hawk scavenging then flies away beautiful..but what kind is it? Red-tailed is my guess

    I thought it was a red-tailed hawk but when his/hers wings spread I saw what looks like an orange patch on each wing and all the pictures I looked at online for red-tailed hawks didn't have that
  9. Rough legged hawk

    Rough legged hawk

    A large slender buteo with broad tipped wings.
  10. syd2915

    What kind of hawk is this?

    Found this guy/gal on my roof but not sure what kind? Hawk on my roof
  11. Cooper's Hawk in my yard

    Cooper's Hawk in my yard

    Cooper's Hawk in my backyard
  12. Swainson's Hawk

    Swainson's Hawk

    Spotted it while driving down a country road near where I live. It was hunting the hay field.
  13. Fandango739

    SW Florida USA - hawk-type

    Seen this morning at the Estero Bay Preserve. As a note, the area is still very soupy from the latest hurricane. Many thanks for any help!
  14. Sazzyox

    Help for identification. England border.

    Can someone help with this please? We though a juv kestrel but the feathers were different and tried using a bird app but just comes up as falcon? So any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  15. Roadside Hawk feeding

    Roadside Hawk feeding

    Saw this Roadside Hawk catch a Eared Dove right in front of me, and then it flew to a tree right next to the trail where I took some pictures.
  16. W

    Help identifying bird of prey - Portsmouth, UK.

    Raptor riding a thermal really high up. I have zoomed and enhanced as much as possible to extract some detail. My mind tells me goshawk or perhaps peregrine but the wings and tail seem to broad? Thanks for the help, Jose
  17. R

    NE of Nagano, Japan - Raptor ID

    A couple shots of raptors over the mountain foothills. 1. Mountain Hawk Eagle? 2. Gray Faced Buzzard? 3. I'm not sure. Not these are the same birds (color difference due to lighting) 4. No idea. Merlin thinks oriental honey buzzard?
  18. R

    Tokyo, Japan Hawk

    Seen soaring over national garden (large and diverse park). I'm thinking Eurasian Sparrowhawk or Northern Goshawk. Any idea? Photo from fairly far away. Thanks!
  19. Northern Goshawk (juvenile)

    Northern Goshawk (juvenile)

    Female juvenile Goshawk and one of four chicks fledged from a local nest in 2020. (image taken under Schedule 1 Licence)
  20. Red-Shouldered Hawk

    Red-Shouldered Hawk

    He looks rather disappointed with the angle I was getting photos from but hey, I can't exactly fly up there and get your good side my friend
  21. Northern Goshawk

    Northern Goshawk

    Local female Goshawk watching me as I checked her nest last Summer (under licence). She never alarm called or made a fuss which is unusual for this species. The nest itself was eye level to a footpath just metres away so her silence helped in not drawing attention to her three chicks which all...
  22. Western Osprey

    Western Osprey

    One of three immature birds that stopped off on Autumn passage here in South Wales back in 2017
  23. Western Osprey

    Western Osprey

    One of three immature individuals that stopped off on Autumn passage at a local lake here in South Wales in 2017. This one caught itself a decent size Roach.
  24. Cooper's Hawk

    Cooper's Hawk

    Male 14" Female 20" Medium-sized bird-hawk with rounded tail-tip.
  25. Red Shouldered Hawk

    Red Shouldered Hawk

    Red shouldered hawk look for prey.