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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. White-faced heron

    White-faced heron

    "Bruh, it's just seaweed."
  2. Black-crowned Night Heron

    Black-crowned Night Heron

  3. White-faced heron fishing

    White-faced heron fishing

    This white-faced heron was focusing intently on fishing in the shallows.
  4. W

    Hello from Manchester

    I am located near Manchester Ship Canal and River Mersey , watching birds regularly
  5. White-backed Heron

    White-backed Heron

  6. Black-crowned Night Herron

    Black-crowned Night Herron

    A Black-crowned Night Heron hunting at the Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center.
  7. Green Heron

    Green Heron

    Found this where the water was runnning. They are always at or near the waters edge in the marsh.
  8. Little blue heron

    Little blue heron

    Another first for me. I sat on this because I thought it was just a Great blue, but someone corrected me that it was a Little blue. We found him in the Hammonasset salt-flat marsh in Madison, Connecticut.
  9. Black-crowned night heron

    Black-crowned night heron

    Black crowned heron hunting fish at the Pisquah Brook Preserve.
  10. Snowy egret

    Snowy egret

    Snowy egrets hunting at the salt-flat marsh.
  11. Snowy egret

    Snowy egret

    Snowy egrets hunting at the salt-flat marsh.
  12. Snowy egret

    Snowy egret

    Snowy egrets hunting at the salt-flat marsh.
  13. Great blue heron

    Great blue heron

    Great blue herons at Topsmead State Forest.
  14. Great blue heron

    Great blue heron

    Great blue herons at Topsmead State Forest.
  15. Lakescape-911


    Plumage color change for them is dramatic ... A pair was nesting close to this part of the wetland ... ____________________ Indian Paddy Bird Nazafgarh Wetland and Marshes Delhi-Gurugram Border India 20 June 2023
  16. Great blue heron

    Great blue heron

    A great blue heron saw me before I saw him, so I was lucky to at least get one shot.
  17. Yellow-crested night herons

    Yellow-crested night herons

    My yard guests woke up around sunset and are still in the process of nest-building. The male was gifting her with twigs, which she wove into the nest.
  18. Yellow-crested night heron

    Yellow-crested night heron

    For the second year in a row, I'll be hearing the-pitter patter (and squawking) of baby night herons! The male arrived last Thursday, displayed for 20 minutes but left. They returned together Sunday and have been quite busy renovating last year's nest. The pair that nested in the next tree over...
  19. Yellow-crested night heron

    Yellow-crested night heron

    For the second year in a row, I'll be hearing the pitter-patter (and squawking) of baby night herons! The male arrived last Thursday, displayed for 20 minutes but left. They returned together Sunday and have been quite busy renovating last year's nest. The pair that nested in the next tree over...
  20. Life Imitating Art?

    Life Imitating Art?

    Great Blue Heron passing in front of a garden with a GBH sculpture
  21. Worldview ...

    Worldview ...

    ... surreal ______________ Gray heron Keoladeo National Park India
  22. Black-crowned Night Heron

    Black-crowned Night Heron

    Black-crowned Night Heron on the banks of the river Calder in Ossett
  23. Black-crowned Night Heron

    Black-crowned Night Heron

    Black-crowned Night Heron on the banks of the river Calder in Ossett
  24. Black-crowned Night Heron

    Black-crowned Night Heron

    Black-crowned Night Heron on the banks of the River Calder in Ossett
  25. Mr Wiggles - yellow crowned night heron in Hudson, FL

    Mr Wiggles - yellow crowned night heron in Hudson, FL

    This bird got its name (it could be male or female) due to its wobbles when it feeds. Heron are usually stock still. Is it excitement over the food?