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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Passing beauty ...

    Passing beauty ...

    Lingering love ... ... for a passing beauty __________ Red-headed Bunting is a passage migrant to our area ... ____________ Red-headed Bunting Dist. Jhajjar Haryana India 12.04.2021
  2. Lines ...

    Lines ...

    Lines ... Nothing qualitywise ... just loved the play ... of those bold lines ... ... with a touch of fuzz ... ... and encore ... __________ Pied Avocet Northern Shoveler male Village Pond Dist Jhajjar Haryana India 11 January 2019
  3. Raptor - 106

    Raptor - 106

    Keeping a close watch over his territory ... ... granting in turn a full frame ... __________ Common Kestrel Dist. Jhajjar Haryana India 30 March 2021
  4. Lakescape - 670

    Lakescape - 670

    Lakescape - We went for daylong birding ... ... after a gap of more than a year ... It was a mixed day ... good morning and evening sessions ... while the mid day was marred by a srtong dust-storm bringing down the visibility drastically ... with high post-noon of 40.1 deg Celcius ...
  5. Taking a break ...

    Taking a break ...

    Really adore these little beauties ... ... more so when they are rendering their lovely song of joy and togetherness __________ Wire-tailed Swallow ... adults and immature Hirundo smithii ... and Streak-thoated swallow immature ... Petrochelidon fluvicola Bhindawas Bird Sanctuary...
  6. Lined up ...

    Lined up ...

    Lined up ... On that lovely day ... ... so many of them ... posed so well ... it is difficult to hold the images back ... ____________ Scaly-breasted Munia Lonchura punctulata Dist. Jhajjar Haryana India 13 January 2015
  7. Binge ...

    Binge ...

    Binge ... Seed-eaters ... ... binging on harvested paddy _______________ Scaly-breasted Munia Lonchura punctulata Dist. Jhajjar Haryana India 13 January 2015
  8. Raptor - 104

    Raptor - 104

    Raptor - 104 Female Marsh Harrier ... surveying and scanning the wetland ... ___________ Circus aeruginosus Dist Jhajjar Haryana India 13 December 2013
  9. Lakescape - 651

    Lakescape - 651

    Always feels nice to catch one with a good reflection ... Great Egret Dist. Jhajjar Haryana India 20 November 2018
  10. Lakescape - 650

    Lakescape - 650

    Life : Togetherness ___________________ A journey Inward ... Larger Than life Continues Through life And beyond Between connect And Disconnect ... ... Yet Never so Fully Till ... A final Inseparable And fulfilling Communion I know You Await me With Arms open Behind That veil ...
  11. Life : Lullaby

    Life : Lullaby

    As ... I wrap-up my 65 ... today ... I'm intoxicated with an unending lullaby ... Here's my gift to the friends here ... _______ Life : Lullaby _______________ I hear YOU Calling Me ... From Somewhere ... Deep within And across ... Vast azure ... As well In Tender warmth Of winter...
  12. Lakescape - 635

    Lakescape - 635

    Lakescape - 635 A joy unlimited ... ... to behold one still wearing largely intact breeding plumage on their arrival back to India ... A stand out performance by ... this outstanding wader ... In ... that peri-sunset Sunset lighting ... ____________ Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus...
  13. Little Gem

    Little Gem

    Tiny colorful beauty ... ... usually found in habitat not conducive to imaging ... Tricoloured Munia
  14. Lakescape - 624

    Lakescape - 624

    Lakescape - 624 ... Good light .. and ... that strategic turn of head ... gives a good view of ... that lovely eye ... Elegance ... ... avified ... _________________ Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus Jhajjar Rural Haryana India 12 March 2013
  15. Lakescape - 623

    Lakescape - 623

    Lakescape - 623 While ... the world is ... groping for answers ... He ... is sitting pretty ... and ... in good light too ... ____________ Common Sandpiper Actiis hypoleucos Jhajjar Rural Haryana India 12 March 2013
  16. A Stream .. in air

    A Stream .. in air

    A stream ... ____ Liked the sense of motion ... of an un-hindered stream ... So ... cherished in these restrictive times Reality ... and a dream ... ! __________ Pied Avocet Dist. Jajjar Haryana India 10 January 2019
  17. Lakescape - 607

    Lakescape - 607

    Lakescape ... 607 That's how these tiny ... little 5 inch flying wonders will look ... when they come back to us in August ... From far away Siberia ... and boggy wetlands of North Asia ... Sure enough ... one flight ... that deadly corona ... will not be able to ground ...
  18. Freedom ...

    Freedom ...

    Out of bounds ... Of Shackles ... and Lockdown Of ... Corona _________ Spellcheck ... has not come to terms with Lockdown ... still an alien to its database ... and I decided not to add it ... yet ... _________ Watch the freedom of flight in a video-clip ... Link ...
  19. Lakescape - 594

    Lakescape - 594

    Lakescape - 594 Another gang of free roaming denizens of the Earth ... while the EU will close their borders for 30 days ... ... beginning today Enjoying ... the balmy sunshine of Indian winter ... Lovely expression ... and joy ... an antidote to the ... ... turbulence of times ...
  20. Fall-Winter - 6

    Fall-Winter - 6

    Fall-Winter - 6 It was morning time ... ... and as I mentioned ... there were many individual Crested Larks in the vicinity of the dirt track we were following ... ... through the vast agrarian wilderness of northwest India Singing ... and having all kind of fun ... ... this one...
  21. Fall-Winter - 5

    Fall-Winter - 5

    Fall-Winter - 5 Their summer duties narly done ... ... Larks were hopping around ... ... and having fun ... Still ... ... crooning a lovely song ... ________ Watch him sing in a video-clip ... Link : https://www.hbw.com/ibc/video/crested-lark-galerida-cristata/crested-lark-singing...
  22. Spring-Summer - 340

    Spring-Summer - 340

    Spring-Summer - 340 Easily sighted ... and heard ... but often difficult to get in a good pose ... ... due to their habitat ... restless nature and wariness ... A bird of the open countryside ... with lot of Tamarisk ... ... wild growth and forest floor bushes ... They very closely...
  23. Lakescape - 587

    Lakescape - 587

    Another image that will be part of our Bird And Butterfly Calendar-2020 ... _________ Life : Paradox _________________ When ... Earth surrounds ... Or Fire engulfs me The day of ... Appraisal Yet ... I know it And Do so well The awareness Of victory ... In defeat When ... I lose...
  24. Spring-Summer - 327

    Spring-Summer - 327

    Spring-Summer - 327 One of the more satisfying shots of the day long birding yesterday ... in treacherously hot and humid monsoon weather ... On way back ... after Sunset ... we even lost our way ... ... and wandered for 45 minutes in the nocturnal wilderness of agrarian north Indian...
  25. Raptor - 38

    Raptor - 38

    Raptor - 38 ... Long-legged Buzzard ... ... one of the biggies among Buzzards ... ... coming to a perch ... and showing those long legs well ... in doing so ... Watch him on perch ... ... flying and alighting in a video-clip ... Link ...