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keoladeo national park

  1. Indian Thick-knee : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Indian Thick-knee : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari Tewari and Alok Tewari

    1.9K views, 53 likes, 9 loves, 17 comments, 25 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Alok Tewari A closeup of this resident breeder taken at day-break ... showing eye and feather detail ... A crepuscular bird ... ... it had, probably taken its morning snack before Sunrise ... and is resting now...
  2. Raptor - 130 : Spotted Owlet pair : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Raptor - 130 : Spotted Owlet pair : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    3.8K views, 103 likes, 0 loves, 47 comments, 52 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Alok Tewari Spotted Owlet - Displacement Behavior Pair bonding is very important for most species ... ... this species, though has a complicated interaction ... where multiple males are known to mate with one...
  3. Lakescape - 760

    Lakescape - 760

    Looked rather lonely ... ... in that setting _____________ White Wagtail Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur India
  4. Lakescape - 753

    Lakescape - 753

    Another immature that was present at Keoladeo ... Composition was a bit skewed ... but I feel the reflection ... partly compensated for the it ... in this uncropped image ... ________ Dalmatian Pelican Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur India
  5. Lakescape - 753

    Lakescape - 753

    Obediently towing ... ... dad's line ____________ Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur India
  6. Lakescape - 752

    Lakescape - 752

    Another display ... of flying apparatus of ... these fabulous underwater hunters ... __________ Intermediate Cormorant Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur India
  7. Glider ...

    Glider ...

    Dalmatian Pelican immature ... gliding majestically ... ... as only pelicans can ... ... it wasn't easy though .. to manage the light reflecting from those awesome ... ... close to eleven feet glistening grey-white wings wings ... as the biggie was banking around ... __________ Keoladeo...
  8. Lakescape - 750

    Lakescape - 750

    Mighty proud of that fabulous plumage ... _________ Great Crested Grebe Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur India
  9. Lakscape - 749

    Lakscape - 749

    Another show of flying apparatuses ... ... lady Black-necked flies low ... and spooks a foraging Glossy ... B-n Stork is a Near Threatened species ... ___________ Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur India
  10. Raptor - 129

    Raptor - 129

    As ... she settled on the bough of that heavily foliaged Acacia ... ... she gave a glimpse of that magnificent flying apparatus ... ... remiges and rectrices ... _________ Western Marsh Harrier ... female Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur India
  11. Lakescape - 748

    Lakescape - 748

    It was spring time ... ... and summer mood was taking over ... Glossy Ibis Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur India 8 March 2022
  12. Lakescape - 747

    Lakescape - 747

    Winter was on the move out ... ... it was time for spring migration ... and time to stretch those fabulous wings ... ... that are going to be tested soon ... ____ Ferruginous Duck ... male Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur India 8 March 2022
  13. Lakescape - 746

    Lakescape - 746

    This big juvie ... gives the Impression of being under the influence ... ... the eye reveals all ... ___________ Dalmatian Pelican Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur India
  14. Raptor - 127

    Raptor - 127

    Tough guy ... ... in soft light ... ... moments before sunset _______ Booted Eagle Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur India
  15. Asian Koel -male singing -Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari |

    Asian Koel -male singing -Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari |

    1.1K views, 63 likes, 8 loves, 17 comments, 34 shares, Facebook Watch Videos Quintessential Indian Song and call of Koel ... male ... loud and clear ... ... fills up Indian countryside ... Forests ... and Urban gardens alike ... A regular at our Balcony pub ... during early and mid...
  16. Lakescape - 728 : Eurasian Spoonbill : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari : Feeding Style

    Lakescape - 728 : Eurasian Spoonbill : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari : Feeding Style

    1.4K views, 49 likes, 6 loves, 10 comments, 29 shares, Facebook Watch Videos Feeding style and breeding plumage of Eurasian Spoonbill We had missed doing a good video on the breeding plumage of Eurasian Spoonbill ... ... during our previous visit ... so we were specifically looking for one...
  17. Lakescape - 727

    Lakescape - 727

    Lakescape - 727 Full stretch ... Indian Pond Heron ... eclipse plumage Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur Rajasthan India
  18. Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari : Common Cuckoo- migration mystery

    Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari : Common Cuckoo- migration mystery

    1.3K views, 39 likes, 5 loves, 9 comments, 24 shares, Facebook Watch Videos Common Cuckoo - Migration Mystery ... Flappy McFlapperson and Skybomb Bolt ... ... are the names of two now famous, Common Cuckoos ... who were tagged to track their annual migration route and destination ... they took...
  19. Raptor - 123

    Raptor - 123

    Parent and immature ... There were two of them ... both having fledged only a few days ago ... __________ Dusky Eagle Owl Keoladeo National Park 17 February 2020
  20. Raptor - 122 : Amazing Wildlife of India by : Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari  : Owl's Eye

    Raptor - 122 : Amazing Wildlife of India by : Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari : Owl's Eye

    2.2K views, 48 likes, 6 loves, 7 comments, 31 shares, Facebook Watch Videos Amazing Wildlife of India by ... Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari Owl's Eye ... A species ... that is witnessing a slow-paced Darwinian ... and ... rather a fast-paced Taxonomic evolution ... Though ... apparently they look...
  21. Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari :  Jacobin Cuckoo

    Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari : Jacobin Cuckoo

    14K views, 101 likes, 5 loves, 37 comments, 109 shares, Facebook Watch Videos Jacobin Cuckoo ... aka Chaatak ... or Monsoon Cuckoo ... An impressive Cuckoo with an interesting Migration pattern ... Has both resident and migratory populations ... and local India as well as Trans-continental...
  22. Lakescape - 718 : Amazing Wildlife of India : Watercock habitat and call : by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Lakescape - 718 : Amazing Wildlife of India : Watercock habitat and call : by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    1.7K views, 44 likes, 4 loves, 16 comments, 30 shares, Facebook Watch Videos Watch closeup recording and listen to the call of this amazing ... shy and elusive bird ... Mainly seen during summer-monsoon months here ... This video clip was done at : Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur Rajasthan India
  23. Amazing Wildlife of India ... by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Amazing Wildlife of India ... by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    3.8K views, 91 likes, 5 loves, 37 comments, 98 shares, Facebook Watch Videos Butterfly - 213 Salmon Arab BF ... laying eggs Watch in this rare and lucky capture ... ... the great spectacle of life ... Egg-laying process by this beautiful ... small BF ... The beginning ( Egg ) ... and the end...
  24. Lakescape - 712

    Lakescape - 712

    Lakescape - 712 These biggies look fairly well decorated ... during their season ... Great Cormorant Keoladeo National Park 5 February 2018
  25. Common Hawk Cuckoo : song : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Common Hawk Cuckoo : song : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    4.2K views, 86 likes, 3 loves, 39 comments, 52 shares, Facebook Watch Video Song of Common Hawk Cuckoo ... ... also popularly called Papiha ... Recorded at Keoladeo National Park Bharatpur