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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

malurus cyaneus

  1. Superb Fairy-wren

    Superb Fairy-wren

    male Superb Fairy-wren
  2. Superb Fairy-wren

    Superb Fairy-wren

    female Superb Fairy-wren
  3. Superb Fairy-wren

    Superb Fairy-wren

    male Superb Fairy-wren
  4. Superb Fairy-wren

    Superb Fairy-wren

    female Superb Fairy-wren
  5. Superb Fairy-wren

    Superb Fairy-wren

    Superb Fairy-wren (male)
  6. Superb Fairy-wren

    Superb Fairy-wren

    Superb Fairy-wren
  7. Superb Fairy-wrens

    Superb Fairy-wrens

    Superb Fairy-wrens
  8. Superb Fairy-wrens

    Superb Fairy-wrens

    Superb Fairy-wrens
  9. Superb Fairy-wrens

    Superb Fairy-wrens

    Trio of female Superb Fairy-wrens
  10. They're real beauties

    They're real beauties

    I was really pleased to get this picture of the Superb Fairywren in such a natural setting. Beauties, aren't they.
  11. She was  there too!

    She was there too!

    It seems the female Superb Fairywren was never far away from hubby, for she was busy foraging on the lawn too. TTTW
  12. Fast movers

    Fast movers

    Even on continuous mode, it can be hard to freeze an image of a Superb Fairywren, with that long tail, it's hard to get a picture with both the front and back end still. They're really very fidgety on occasion LOL. I got this male through my bedroom window, which looked out onto a different...
  13. Getting wet

    Getting wet

    It doesn't really look like it in this picture, but it was absolutely pouring with rain when I took it!! Thought this male Superb Fairywren didn't seem to be too bothered by it LOL. Pretty, isn't he.
  14. Superb Fairy-wren

    Superb Fairy-wren

    Superb Fairy-wren - female
  15. Mum


    A female Superb Fairywren to join Gary's male today!!! Obviously she has youngsters to feed so she didn't stop there long, only got a couple of pictures before she was off!
  16. Superb Fairy-wren

    Superb Fairy-wren

    Male Superb Fairy-wren in breeding plumage
  17. Lady in a hedge

    Lady in a hedge

    One of my favourite picture types, birds peeking out of bushes! And this one of my favourite species from my trip, a Superb Fairywren. This is the female (hubby was hiding somewhere LOL).
  18. Superb Fairy-wren

    Superb Fairy-wren

    Superb Fairy-wren - female
  19. Superb Fairywren

    Superb Fairywren

  20. Shy


    There was also a male Superb Farywren around, but more of a skulker as he didn't really emerge from the shrubs and was only in view for a few seconds. Such pretty wee birds and the reason for my invite to stay with Hans and Judy.
  21. Pretty lady

    Pretty lady

    There were a pair of Superb Fairywrens nesting in Hans and Judy's garden, this is the female who emerged in a break between the downpours.
  22. Superb Fairy-wren

    Superb Fairy-wren

    male Superb Fairy-wren,
  23. Superb Fairy-wren

    Superb Fairy-wren

    Male Superb Fairy-wren with just a trace of his breeding plumage left.
  24. Superb fairy-wrens

    Superb fairy-wrens

    Superb fairy-wrens - female (left) and male in breeding plumage.
  25. Bird on a wire

    Bird on a wire

    Superb Fairy-wren - male