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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

mixed forest

  1. Barred Owl Portrait

    Barred Owl Portrait

    Barred Owl seen on my morning walk
  2. Eurasian jay

    Eurasian jay

  3. Garden warbler

    Garden warbler

  4. White wagtail

    White wagtail

  5. White wagtail

    White wagtail

  6. Female lesser spotted woodpecker

    Female lesser spotted woodpecker

  7. Male chaffinch

    Male chaffinch

  8. Lesser spotted woodpecker

    Lesser spotted woodpecker

  9. Raven


  10. Eurasian jay

    Eurasian jay

  11. Red squirrel

    Red squirrel

  12. Great spotted woodpecker

    Great spotted woodpecker

  13. Eurasian jay

    Eurasian jay

  14. Eurasian jay

    Eurasian jay

  15. Crested tit

    Crested tit

  16. Great spotted woodpecker

    Great spotted woodpecker

  17. Red squirrel

    Red squirrel

  18. Willow tit

    Willow tit

  19. Jay in the woods

    Jay in the woods

  20. Juvenile great spotted woodpecker

    Juvenile great spotted woodpecker

  21. Blue tit

    Blue tit

  22. Male blackbird

    Male blackbird

  23. Hawfinch


  24. Blue tit triangle

    Blue tit triangle

  25. Redwing

