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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

mount compass

  1. Seeing us off

    Seeing us off

    A New Holland Honeyeater was making sure we found our way out of the swamp. The lighting was realy difficult for this shot, done the best I could with it, which isn't great LOL Saturday Fun
  2. High flyover

    High flyover

    We were now wandering along towards the carpark when a pair of Australian Pelicans flew over. A bit of a rushed short, so it's not great, sorry. Been a bit of a day, ending up on yet more pills! Also some ointment for my feet, which seem to be suffering because the nerves to them aren't working...
  3. A right shiner

    A right shiner

    We started wandering into the swamp on a board walk. Adrienne and I were studying something when Peter called us; he'd heard a Shining Bronze Cuckoo. So we shot over to the area it was coming from but he'd moved, so we moved. Then we saw him fly further round a bit of woodland on the edge of the...
  4. A productive bush

    A productive bush

    And then, in the same bush was this wee female Superb Fairywren. Sweet wee birds these. We'd not even left the car park LOL
  5. Stalking


    Just to the right of the goldfinch, was a New Holland Honeyeater; I'm sure he's following me around, but they are lovely! LOL I was going to post this ages ago, but the pills got to me and I've been asleep all afternoon!! They're really becoming an issue now, but I can't see any options.
  6. Where did you pop up from?

    Where did you pop up from?

    We left the wonderful house and gardens of John and Dora, we headed north and inland to visit Mount Compass, a swamp looked after by a local school. Got out of the car and looked around... a bush at the edge of the car park had a few birds, so I lifted the camera and couldn't quite believe what...
  7. Mr at last

    Mr at last

    The final species I got a picture of that day was, finally, the male Superb Fairywren, I'd been hunting for him all the way round! Then it was off back to Adelaide to prepare for the next adventure! Total Lifer's at the end of this day 188.
  8. The big guys

    The big guys

    I was rather surprised when suddenly two pelicans flew overhead! I'd previously only seen these on the coast, or very close-by.
  9. The second of the day!

    The second of the day!

    I hardly ever hear a cuckoo nowadays at home let alone see one but this day I had two different species. This one gave us a bit of a run-around in the middle of the swamp, till eventually we tracked him down and got him settle for a couple of minutes. A Shining Bronze Cuckoo! And a new one for...
  10. There's fairies at the bottom of the garden

    There's fairies at the bottom of the garden

    .... sooo further along that large bush, was a pretty lady Superb Fairywren. Wonder if there's a male around somewhere?
  11. Bushed


    In the same bush as the Goldfinch a New Holland Honeyeater also settled for a moment. It was so quick, this was the only picture I managed to get
  12. Would you believe it

    Would you believe it

    I go all the way to the deepest of South Australia and find a European Goldfinch LOL. Making our way up the Fleurieu Peninsula we stopped off a Mount Compass School Swamp. There's a board walk through it which leads to the school's water monitoring pond. In a large shrub near the entrance was...