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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.
Mr at last
The final species I got a picture of that day was, finally, the male Superb Fairywren, I'd been hunting for him all the way round!

Then it was off back to Adelaide to prepare for the next adventure!

Total Lifer's at the end of this day 188.
Mount Compass, Fleurieu, South Australia
Date taken
28 October 2019
Scientific name
Malurus cyaneus
Equipment used
Nikon Coolpix P900 Birdwatching mode
always as attractive as can be, superb photo of this lovely fairy wren, Delia, top marksthree fantastic photos of this lovely warbler, awesome details, top notch, many tfs!!!

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Asia, Australia & Pacific Islands
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delia todd
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