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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Female Northern Black Korhaan on the Edges of the Kalahari

    Female Northern Black Korhaan on the Edges of the Kalahari

    Female Northern Black Korhaan, Namibia June 2013
  2. Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk

    Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk

  3. Greater Kestrel

    Greater Kestrel

  4. Lanner Falcon

    Lanner Falcon

  5. Secretarybird


  6. Northern Black Korhaan / White-quilled Bustard

    Northern Black Korhaan / White-quilled Bustard

  7. Cape Glossy Starling

    Cape Glossy Starling

  8. Sharing a meal!

    Sharing a meal!

    A Lappet-faced Vulture and a White-backed Vulture sharing a meal
  9. Lappet-faced Vulture

    Lappet-faced Vulture

  10. White-headed Vulture

    White-headed Vulture

  11. Namaqua Dove

    Namaqua Dove

    This distinctive species ranges throughout southern Africa where it is said to be common in more arid areas. However, we only saw a few on our recent trip. The black face and bib are found only on adult males. It is Africa's smallest dove and is the sole member of the genus "Oena"...
  12. African Pied Wagtail

    African Pied Wagtail

    Wagtails are largely terrestrial birds, famous for pumping their tails and bobbing their heads as they forage, often lurching into the air after flying insects. Although it was winter in Namibia, this male had a territory on the grounds of the lodge which it defended with a long, varied tinkling...
  13. Capped Wheatear

    Capped Wheatear

    These handsome, upright birds are active, flamboyant and easy to see. The name "wheatear" appears to be corruption of "white rear," named for the conspicuous white base to their tail. The species ranges throughout southern Africa in arid flat grasslands. Three races are recognized. This is the...
  14. Greater Blue-eared Starling

    Greater Blue-eared Starling

    Showing the namesake blue auriculars, this species closely resembles the more widespread Cape Glossy Starling which lacks the deep blue on the face and belly. They also have very different vocalizations. Sometimes dubbed Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling, four subspecies are recognized...
  15. Brown-hooded Kingfisher

    Brown-hooded Kingfisher

    This species seems to have adapted well to parks and gardens, often being seen well away from water. Adult males have a solid black back, while females and immatures have a lighter or more brownish colored back which does not contrast with the head. The dark tip to the bill suggests that this...
  16. Roan Antelope (Hippotragus equinus)

    Roan Antelope (Hippotragus equinus)

    Considered endangered locally in South Africa but overall "least concern" by IUCN. This is the nominate race, often called Southern Roan Antelope. They are one of the largest of the antelopes easily recognized by their distinct black and white face pattern. Only male have horns.
  17. Red-billed Firefinch

    Red-billed Firefinch

    This is a male which was skulking at the weedy edge of the grounds. Females are mostly brown with a pink patch between the eye and bill. Firefinches are members of the Estrellid or Waxbill family Estrildidae. This is the paler southern race "L. s. rendalli" with reduced red on its body.
  18. Southern Yellow White-eye

    Southern Yellow White-eye

    Three races are currently recognized. Ours is the brighter more richly colored nominate subspecies. Formerly called African Yellow White-eye and lumped with the Northern Yellow White-eye "Z. senegalensis." Jumpy and hard to photograph, white-eyes had been placed in the Babbler family...
  19. Red-faced Mousebird

    Red-faced Mousebird

    Mousebirds are placed in their own order, the Coliiformes. They have been called "living fossils" because their lineage includes the last survivors of a much larger and more diverse group of birds that lived during the late Paleogene and Miocene. Notice the soft hairlike body feathers suggesting...
  20. Wattled Crane

    Wattled Crane

    With a declining world population of fewer than 8,000 mature birds, the Wattled Crane is listed as "vulnerable" by IUCN. This crane gets its name from the large white wattles hanging from its chin. As in other crane species the elongated tertials hang over the tail like a bustle. Formerly...
  21. Dark Chanting Goshawk

    Dark Chanting Goshawk

    This is an adult. There are a number of similar species. The dark wing panel helps distinguish it from the Pale Chanting-Goshawk (Melierax canorus). This photo also shows the densely barred undertail coverts which help distinguish it from the smaller Gabar Goshawk (Micronisus gabar). Five...
  22. Saddle-billed Stork

    Saddle-billed Stork

    Locally distributed, shy, and generally uncommon, we were fortunate to see this tall, spectacular species. In South Africa, they are considered endangered. This was one of a pair. The dark iris suggests it is a male. Females are similar but have yellow eyes.
  23. Tsessebe (Damaliscus lunatus)

    Tsessebe (Damaliscus lunatus)

    This nominate race is usually called "Common Tsessabe." The northern population is sometimes called "Topi." The two differ in subtle differences in horn shape. The southern ones, such as this have the horn tips spreading apart more from each other recalling a Hartebeest.
  24. Banded Snake-Eagle

    Banded Snake-Eagle

    I stumbled across this scarce, powerful raptor on the grounds of our lodge while our guide was away. I mistakenly assumed it was just another Brown Snake-Eagle but when I showed the picture to our guide he got very excited. Its chunky shape, flat head and yellow cere are key differences between...
  25. Rattling Cisticola

    Rattling Cisticola

    Cisticolas are notoriously tricky to identify. This is the most common species in this area, identified by a combination of rufous cap, streaked back, lack of obvious rusty wing-panel, range, habitat, and voice. As always, corrections welcome. Seventeen subspecies currently recognized, but...