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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

north yorkshire

  1. Red Necked Grebe.JPG

    Red Necked Grebe.JPG

    Was around large lake for a few days
  2. MohoNobilis

    A Long Week of Campus Birding: A Summary of Events

    Haven't been active on here much, but I am very glad to say that I have been birding constantly over the past few weeks, and that I would gladly wake up early in the morning just to see the birds around my school campus. Since I was gone, I have seen many different types of birds that are new...
  3. Robin


    A mouthful of food
  4. Woodchat Shrike

    Woodchat Shrike

    A UK lifer for me again very easy to locate and see
  5. Barn Owl

    Barn Owl

    I not a fan of photographing ringed birds but, I'll make the exception for a Barn Owl.
  6. Swallow


    Won't be long now before they start to turn up.
  7. Dunlin


    Photographed on Filey beach
  8. Temple Sowerby

    Temple Sowerby

    I used a rather different route for my journey. After a few hours driving I was feeling rather tired, so pulled off the road into this little village - how beautiful it was. This is the village green with swings etc for the children and there's a stream runs through the middle somewhere. When...