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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Osprey with a History 5

    Osprey with a History 5

    Today she ate a fish on the lagoon's bridge. This is her wiping her face afterward.
  2. Osprey with a History 4

    Osprey with a History 4

    Some of you now know a bit about Bandit. For the last week we've been hanging out a good deal. This is one more picture from the first three I posted on here since I hadn't seen her for two years. What I believe is cool about this picture is it shows her trust in me. I was 10 feet away from her...
  3. Osprey with a History 3

    Osprey with a History 3

    See next osprey photo
  4. Osprey with a History 2

    Osprey with a History 2

    I've known Bandit for four years now. It is used to my whistles and voice. I used to live/kayak a few miles north - hadn't seen her for two years. She flew over yesterday, I called, she landed and preened and preened. It was magical. I know her by the two dots in the iris of her left eye. BTW -...
  5. Osprey with a History

    Osprey with a History

    I've known Bandit for four years now. It is used to my whistles and voice. I used to live/kayak a few miles north - hadn't seen her for two years. She flew over yesterday, I called, she landed and preened and preened. It was magical. I know her by the two dots in the iris of her left eye. BTW -...
  6. Osprey


    One of ten seen this morning at the estuary.
  7. Osprey with Nesting Material

    Osprey with Nesting Material

    some soft furnishing for the nest
  8. Osprey Female in Flight

    Osprey Female in Flight

    Female Osprey having a bit of a fly around while waiting on her mate bringing in a fish to feed her youngsters.
  9. Osprey and Offspring

    Osprey and Offspring

    Just waiting on a fish to be delivered by Dad.
  10. Raptor-179


    Amazing fisherman ... Nazafgarh wetland and marshes Delhi-Haryana Border India 20 June 2023
  11. Cormorant and osprey with fish

    Cormorant and osprey with fish

    We were searching around town to get a picture illustrating how bad the wildfire smoke is here, and we happened to catch a cormorant crossing paths with an osprey carrying his dinner. The bluish haze is how bad the smoke is in Connecticut.
  12. Osprey


    We do need images from the rear for id purposes. That is my story of why I am uploading this, and I am sticking to it ...
  13. If you don't stop wriggling, you're going back in

    If you don't stop wriggling, you're going back in

    Osprey and catch at Backwater Reservoir this morning
  14. Osprey


    An osprey hunting over the marsh at Hammonasett State Park, Madison Connecticut.
  15. Osprey V. Swan

    Osprey V. Swan

    The Swan got too close to the Osprey nest and it was dive-bombed numerous times before it took the hint and moved away.
  16. Osprey Fishing Successfully

    Osprey Fishing Successfully

    Perch caught
  17. Osprey with Perch

    Osprey with Perch

  18. Osprey with Perch

    Osprey with Perch

  19. Osprey Talon Washing

    Osprey Talon Washing

    Early morning mist on the loch
  20. Osprey and fish

    Osprey and fish

    Came up from behind tree down by the waters edge, cropped to centre only
  21. Osprey Photobomb

    Osprey Photobomb

    I was taking a picture of one osprey when another one photobombed my shot.
  22. Raptor-150 ... World Wetlands Day

    Raptor-150 ... World Wetlands Day

    On ... World Wetland Day 2nd February ... How important even smallish wetlands, such as Sultanpur National Park can be and are ... may be gauged by this collage ... All thes top predator species of birds were captured by us at the National Park, now a Ramsar Site ... within a space of 2...
  23. Surveying the kingdom

    Surveying the kingdom

    A rather striking Osprey I saw on the titular Osprey Trail at Honeymoon Island Park!
  24. Western Osprey

    Western Osprey

    One of three immature birds that stopped off on Autumn passage here in South Wales back in 2017
  25. Western Osprey

    Western Osprey

    One of three immature individuals that stopped off on Autumn passage at a local lake here in South Wales in 2017. This one caught itself a decent size Roach.