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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. H

    Singing House Finches and a Great Horned Owl Family

    I had an amazing day in southern British Columbia as I got to film many singing house finches and then saw a mama great horned owl and her 3 fledged, but still fluffy, owlets. A telephoto lens was used and I was able to observe the family for an entire morning resting in the same tree.
  2. P


    Hi guys thanks for letting me join I've got a question I've been out today and come across what I think was 2 long eared owls just wondering is there any record ov a pair in Kent
  3. Short-eared Owl

    Short-eared Owl

    Shortie on a post, an image from the good old days of Worlaby. I thought I might have posted this before but it wasn't in my gallery so here you go.
  4. James Fennel

    Where to find Owls in Rutland

    Hello all, I want to find Tawny, LE, SE, and Little owl. Anyone know where to find them in Rutland?
  5. I

    Indonesia owling trip (Nias, Simeulue, Sumatra) plus Singapore

    Hello! I took a trip to Indonesia to look for owls. I decided to travel without guides in order to have a more adventurous trip. This si what happened https://iainsowls.blogspot.com/2023/06/sumatra-2023.html Cheers, Iain
  6. Mantanani Scops Owl

    Mantanani Scops Owl

    One of the place in Sabah for this resident Owl and quite common too hehehe :D
  7. Spectacle Owl.jpg

    Spectacle Owl.jpg

    Mostly nocturnal, lives in pairs for a long time on the same perch. Feeds on everything that moves including snakes, opossums and large insects. www.naturegroupcr.com
  8. Burrowing Owl

    Burrowing Owl

    Burrowing Owl
  9. jurek

    Making electricity poles safer for birds

    I recently saw a presentation that electrocution on electricity poles is the major reason of deaths of Bald Ibis in Europe. Electrocution kills also White Storks, all birds of prey, owls, and many other bird species. I realized that it is a direct bird protection which has obvious emotional...
  10. F

    Barn owls and little owls cohabitting?

    Hi all, Hopefully I have posted this in the right place... So, last week I found a few barn owl feathers in an area of fields, with a barn in the centre (on the outskirts of the brecon beacons in Wales). I didn't see any barn owls on that trip, but assumed that barn was where they were coming...
  11. Indian Eagle Owl

    Indian Eagle Owl

    A large Owl that prefers rocky terrain to roost/ nest. Seen in both woodlands (dry deciduous) and scrubland.
  12. Little owl

    Little owl

    This little pop onto this branch just at the right time
  13. Barred Owl

    Barred Owl

    Watches and listens for any rodent movement below the snow covered field below.
  14. Powerful Owl

    Powerful Owl

    Adult seen roosting near two juveniles


    A medium sized owl with no ear-tufts and a barred body and mantle; eyes have bright yellow iris and beak has a light greenish tinge. This owl is a resident breeder in Himalayan foothills and is sighted up to an elevation of 2800 meters above sea level.
  16. Mr_K

    Your Experience With Winter Bird Houses

    Hello, Anyone with experience building or keeping bird houses in the winter? Tell us the kind of house, how you keep it clean and predator-free, and what birds stay or arrive in winter. PS. I attached a picture of a young hawk on my porch rail. Jumped on my lawn chair with a white stuffed owl...
  17. Short-eared Owl

    Short-eared Owl

  18. Looking For Breakfast

    Looking For Breakfast

    Many people believe owls are strictly nocturnal. But this beautiful Barred Owl was actively hunting yesterday morning at 9:00 AM and was kind enough to allow me a few good shots before it decided to fly off. And here's a funny tip that isn't very well-known: If you are watching or photographing...
  19. Artur-Stankiewicz-Birds


  20. Sleeping


  21. Barred Owl

    Barred Owl

    Here's the Barred Owl's side-profile picture. I showed him earlier this month from the front. This actually has better lighting and color.
  22. Late result

    Late result

    Owls Three: Gulls 5
  23. Barred Owl

    Barred Owl

    Today another lifer. I can't believe I actually took a photo of an Owl but I did. My first in the wild. It was a little dark outside at the time and he kept his eyes closed a lot but I got em. I told everyone at Magnolia his location everyone was happy to go snap some photos.
  24. Snowy Owl

    Snowy Owl

    Snowy Owl on the hunt near Barrow, Alaska.
  25. Snowy Owl

    Snowy Owl

    Snowy Owl female trolling it's territory near Barrow, Alaska.