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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

passer domesticus

  1. House Sparrow, Juvenile Female

    House Sparrow, Juvenile Female

    House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) juvenile female.
  2. House Sparrow

    House Sparrow

  3. House Sparrows, Males

    House Sparrows, Males

    House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) males, front and back view.
  4. House Sparrow, Male, Bathing

    House Sparrow, Male, Bathing

    House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) male, bathing in a mud puddle.
  5. Mama and kids

    Mama and kids

    this Mama has three demanding kids. hope you like it.
  6. love you Dad

    love you Dad

    and Mom for sure. hope you like it.
  7. House sparrow

    House sparrow

    The house sparrow is an introduced species in Australia. Interestingly, I've learned that these birds are less common in Sydney than they used to be, decades ago. Anyway, here is a nice picture of a male sparrow. There were a few others nearby (male, female and juvenile).
  8. House Sparrow

    House Sparrow

  9. Leafbringer

    Questions about House Sparrows in UK

    https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/14/sparrows-big-garden-birdwatch-decline-rspb-survey I read this article (2023) about the status of House Sparrows in the UK, and learned that their population is declining. While I'm aware that the population decline has been happening for...
  10. Mr. House Sparrow

    Mr. House Sparrow

    House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)
  11. Lady sparrow

    Lady sparrow

    just love the "pro capture" specially when the light is enough to get 1/4000 sec with low iso. hope you like it
  12. House sparrow

    House sparrow

    Just little sparrow (I just started photographing birds this summer after got my first camera and still a little bit worried it's not good enough°^° )
  13. Day out ...

    Day out ...

    Juvenile House Sparrows ... enjoying their day out in ... wilderness Bathing in a puddle on the edge of the marshes ... __________________ Village Mankrola Gurugram Haryana India 8 August 2023
  14. House Sparrow

    House Sparrow

    Just a common house sparrow eating some grass seeds.
  15. Householder ...

    Householder ...

    ... in wilderness _____________________ House Sparrow ... female Village Mandoti Jhajjar Haryana India 8 August 2023
  16. House sparrow landing

    House sparrow landing

    It was super hard to capture this little guy mid-flight!
  17. Weeping bird

    Weeping bird

  18. House Sparrows

    House Sparrows

    We had a bit of a rumble at the feeder, last night.
  19. Sun Shine Sparrow

    Sun Shine Sparrow

    Photographed Is a House sparrow In Direct sunlight, Sitting On a Blooming Tree.
  20. House sparrow

    House sparrow

    Searching salt minerals under my car.
  21. Swing time

    Swing time

    There seemed to be a bit of "push, pull" going on with this feeder, as it was swinging around a bit. Not sure if the House Sparrow knew the Greenfinch was on the other side LOL Saturday Fun
  22. Housewife


    Near the Nutcracker there was also a flock of House Sparrows eating seeds from some tall weeds. I got a couple good close-ups of this female.
  23. Gimme shelter

    Gimme shelter

    from a rainshower. But not from intrusive paparazzi ;)
  24. Autumn - second harvest

    Autumn - second harvest

    Typical background for sparrow shots on the Lade peninsula in Autumn. Sometimes flocks of hundreds foraging seeds left after the harvesters have been through. They must have nearly emptied this field, though, as there were only half a dozen sparrows there.
  25. Autumn - housekeeping

    Autumn - housekeeping

    One stretch of the Lade Trail detours away from the shoreline to pass through a residential neighborhood. It's a very gardeny neighborhood with some very lush and birdy gardens. Here a House Sparrow is doing a bit of garden assistent work, foraging insects (or insect eggs?) off the undersides of...