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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. red necked phalarope

    red necked phalarope

    beutifull little bird! this photo doesn't do it justice!
  2. Grey Phalarope

    Grey Phalarope

    Taken from a days sailing out of Cork harbour with my father. It was a great day all in all with 7 grey phalarope, 3 juvenile sabine's gulls, 1 sooty shearwater, 1 pomarine skua, a couple of storm petrels and 6 bottle nosed dolphins.
  3. Red (Grey) Phalarope

    Red (Grey) Phalarope

    Another of the Weir Wood Reservoir bird.
  4. Red (Grey) Phalarope

    Red (Grey) Phalarope

    Another of the Weir Wood Reservoir bird.
  5. Red (Grey) Phalarope

    Red (Grey) Phalarope

    Taken at Weir Wood Reservoir. A very quick bird, barely stopped to allow good shots.
  6. Grey/Red Phalarope male in Svalbard

    Grey/Red Phalarope male in Svalbard

    One of last years nice red males in fantastic breeding plumage - an Arctic jewel!
  7. Grey Phalarope

    Grey Phalarope

    At Kenfig Pool.
  8. Red-necked Phalarope

    Red-necked Phalarope

  9. Grey Phalarope

    Grey Phalarope

    Female in breeding plumage
  10. Shorebirds serie : Red Phalarope 1

    Shorebirds serie : Red Phalarope 1

    A lifer!! Under the rain at dawn.
  11. Red-necked Phalarope

    Red-necked Phalarope

    Taken on Fetlar, Shetland in May 2005. This bird was very approachable. We were just sitting beside the small lake, and it swam to within just a few yards of our position. Birds reportedly breed closeby.
  12. Red-necked Phalarope

    Red-necked Phalarope

    Red-necked Phalarope in the lagoon at Rio Del Mar Beach, Monterey Bay
  13. Red-necked Phalarope

    Red-necked Phalarope

    Lodmoor, Dorset