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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

redcar tarn

  1. yellow legged gull

    yellow legged gull

  2. canada goose

    canada goose

    snow make for excellent light
  3. carrion crow

    carrion crow

  4. herring gull

    herring gull

  5. rook


    very cold yesterday but rooks are allways entertaining
  6. pied wagtail

    pied wagtail

    this female must have been cold as there is ice on the beak one of my favourite birds
  7. common coot

    common coot

    always good for action
  8. common gull

    common gull

    i do like gulls
  9. canada goose

    canada goose

    splash down
  10. coot


    always interesting
  11. mallard


    looking very nice in the 'golden hour'
  12. herring gulls

    herring gulls

  13. herring gull

    herring gull

    always photogenic
  14. rook


  15. black headed gull

    black headed gull

    J1K4 ringed norway 2016
  16. herring gull

    herring gull

    they love to play drop leaf
  17. common coots

    common coots

    fight fight!
  18. gulls


    they go crazy for bread
  19. herring gulls

    herring gulls

    never fail to entertain
  20. coot


    when coots fight
  21. caspian gull

    caspian gull

    3rd cycle bird looing good in the light
  22. jackdaw


    i find jackdaws funny and very smart looking
  23. gull sp

    gull sp

    unknown identity
  24. Canada Goose

    Canada Goose

    you can see my van in the eye
  25. coot


    just being a coot