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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

ruby crowned kinglet

  1. Ruby crowned kinglet

    Ruby crowned kinglet

    This is a female, looking for insects among the willow catkins. I tried for two days and could not get a clear shot of this little bird. She was endlessly darting from branch to branch.
  2. Ruby-crowned Kinglet

    Ruby-crowned Kinglet

    Foraging for food up and down trees in dirt parking lot surrounded by forest and adjacent to pond/marsh
  3. Ruby Crowned Kinglet

    Ruby Crowned Kinglet

    Foraging for food up and down trees in dirt parking lot surrounded by forest and adjacent to pond/marsh
  4. Ruby Crowned Kinglet

    Ruby Crowned Kinglet

    Foraging for food up and down trees in dirt parking lot surrounded by forest and adjacent to pond/marsh
  5. Ruby-crowned Kinglet

    Ruby-crowned Kinglet

    Ruby-crowned Kinglet near belulah bog southern wi, usa
  6. RCK.jpg


    Another look at the Ruby Crowned Kinglet that I thought was some sort of Flycatcher.
  7. Ruby Crowned Kinglet

    Ruby Crowned Kinglet

  8. Ruby Crowned Kinglet

    Ruby Crowned Kinglet

    This little girl just wouldn't sit still.
  9. ruby crowned kinglet

    ruby crowned kinglet

  10. A Cutie

    A Cutie

    This one stayed for but a second and was gone in a flash. I guess I need to do some pruning
  11. Rolly Polly

    Rolly Polly

    During my morning walk, this Kinglet stopped darting around for just a second and even posed for me.
  12. Gotcha


    I was doing my usual morning round in my garden, when I spotted him. After weeks of stalking him, it finally paid off as he perched for the briefest moment. At least I got this shot!
  13. Just had to

    Just had to

    post another one. The male just keeps hiding, but at least she's getting predictable
  14. They drove me batty yesterday

    They drove me batty yesterday

    Unless you trying to get a picture of them, you have no idea how fast and unpredictable they are. Never did get a picture of the male with his red crown, but at least she sat still for a second
  15. This was the original

    This was the original

    for the full moon. Wasn't sure if either work, but for me they're fun. We can't all post perfect pictures all the time
  16. Full Moon

    Full Moon

    I was trying to figure what to do with this picture and that's the best I came up with
  17. Just one more

    Just one more

    of this little very active and hard to catch bird
  18. She's a Cutie

    She's a Cutie

    and she can sing too, which makes it so fascinating to watch her flitting about. This will be the last post of this bird for a while, but then............Never say never
  19. Obsessed, no doubt

    Obsessed, no doubt

    That's what my wife said after I spend 3 hours cutting all the vines and twigs on this willow tree to get more light on the subject, and then another couple of hours waiting on her. Getting better, but I have more work to do.
  20. Got tired of

    Got tired of

    this Kinglet hiding behind the twigs, so I cut them down, now if I only get some sunshine on this tree when she's there, I'll be ecstatic, because she is worse than a little child, she can't sit still for a moment
  21. Reason for freezin'

    Reason for freezin'

    She's the reason for me freezin' my butt off. I've been chasing her for a week now. She never sits still, and when she does its behind twigs or in the shade, or, or, ..... Finally got a least halfway decent image, hope you like (borrowed that line from Johnny)
  22. Ruby Crowned Kinglet

    Ruby Crowned Kinglet

    Thanks to Alexc for the ID, I had problems with the ID on this one. Another new one at my new place
  23. ruby crowned kinglet (red head)

    ruby crowned kinglet (red head)

    heavily wooded area, trees covered in moss.
  24. ruby crowned kinglet

    ruby crowned kinglet

    A "gretta" look when converted to BW
  25. I can Feed on the Wing

    I can Feed on the Wing
