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sattal forest

  1. Himalayas-787


    A pair of eye-catching beauties ... at ... the forest-edge ___________________ Greater Yellownape ... male above Sattal forest-edge Uttarakhand Himalayas India
  2. Himalayas-786


    Large ... and hyperkinetic ... ... do not often allow a frame filler closeup ... Red-billed Blue Magpie Sattal forest-edge Uttarakhand Himalayas India
  3. Himalayas-785 : Greater Flameback pair : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Himalayas-785 : Greater Flameback pair : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    First video clip on this species here ... At the day break in Sattal ... ... as we opened the door of our room ... We spotted this fabulous pair right across the compound ... ... on the edge of the lake ... ... on a high tree ... ... doing the early morning drill ... ______________...
  4. Himalayas-783 : Rufous-bellied Niltava  male : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Himalayas-783 : Rufous-bellied Niltava male : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Rufous-bellied Niltava ... male Sattal Forest Alt. 5500 ft. Uttarakhand Himalayas India
  5. Himalayas-782


    Hyperkinetic ... ... oozing energy ... and exuberance of life force ... Always ... live life in 2x mode ... Imagine ... some misguided dopes put them in cages ... _____________________ Red-billed Leiothrix Sattal forest Altitude 5500 feet Uttarakhand Himalayas India
  6. Himalayas-780


    They always look so immaculately dressed ... ... and alert ... probably needed for their high profile lifestyle ... 😊 ... such a dapper he is ... ____________________ Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch ... male Dwarahat Altitude 5500 feet Uttarakhand Himalayas India
  7. Himalayas-779 : Maroon Oriole : male : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Himalayas-779 : Maroon Oriole : male : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Many a birder had spent a lot of time looking for them ... without much avail ... making these appearences very special ... He may be seen in company of a Black-naped Woodpecker ... who was perched on the vertical part of the same branch ... in this video-clip ...
  8. Himalayas-775


    Named ... Rusty-cheeked ... ... but are very vocal indeed ... and have a very melodious song ... ... and they are ... very active as well ... not rusty at all ... _____________________ Rusty-cheeked Scimitar-Babbler Sattal Forest Altitude 5500 feet Uttarakhand Himalayas India 26 October 2023
  9. Raptor-202 : Collared Owlet showing false eyes : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Raptor-202 : Collared Owlet showing false eyes : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    This ... smallest species of Owls in Asia ... has a set of false of occipital eyes ... on the back of the head ... ... a great strategy by nature ... ___________________ Taenioptynx brodiei Sattal forest Nainital India 26 October 2023
  10. Himalayas-768 : White crested Laughingthrush : closeup : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Himalayas-768 : White crested Laughingthrush : closeup : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Watch the activity of these amazingly beautiful Laughingthrushes in a close up video recording ... Sattal Forest Altitude 5500 feet District Nainital Uttarakhand Himalayas India
  11. Himalayas-767


    A Classique ... ... by Nutty ____________________ Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch Sattal Forest Altitude 5500 feet Uttarakhand Himalayas India 26 October 2023
  12. Himalayas-766


    Himalayan Bulbul ... posing
  13. Raptor-198


    Eyes ... in front ... and False eyes behind Eyes on face ... ... and False yes on the Occipital Face Here is ... Collared Pygmy Owl for you ... Smallest Owl in Asia ... ___________________ Taenioptynx brodiei Sattal forest Nainital India 26 October 2023
  14. Himalayas-761


    Very vocal at dawn and dusk ... their habit of scurrying along the forest floor and under the bushes has earned them an alternate name ... the mouse bird _____________________ Streaked Laughing Thrush Sattal Forest Altitude 5500 feet Uttarakhand Himalayas India 26 October 2023
  15. Himalayas-755


    Back from the medical camp in Himalayas ... ... with bag full of return gifts ... ___________________ Life - Behind Azure _____________ Hiding behind ... ... Vast azure And ... ... Ensconced in Deafening silence I search ... And find You My Beloved ________________ Blue Whistling...
  16. Himalayas-751


    Made a flitting appearance ... ______________________ Rufous-bellied Niltava Sattal forest-edge Altitude 5500 feet Uttarakhand Himalayas India
  17. Himalayas-748


    A distinguished Himalayan ... Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler
  18. Himalayas-745


    Not easy to compose their shots ... ... gotta take what I get ... _____________________ Indian Paradise Flycatcher Forest-edge Sattal Altitude 5500 feet Uttarakhand Himalayas India 7 April 2023
  19. Himalayas-743


    Dropped in ... ... to say hello ... ... at the forest edge _______________ Red-billed Leiothrix Sattal forest Altitude 5500 feet Uttarakhand Himalayas India
  20. Himalayas-742


    A Himalayan afternoon ... ... made colorful by his presence _______________ Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch Sattal Forest-edge Altitude 5500 feet India
  21. Himalayas-739 : Grey Treepie & White throated Laughingthrush : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Himalayas-739 : Grey Treepie & White throated Laughingthrush : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari & Alok Tewari

    Two fabulous Himalayan species ... ... frolicking bathing ... and drinking ... ___________________ Sattal Forest-edge Altitude 5500 feet Uttarakhand Himalayas India 27 October 2022 ... 4.00 pm
  22. Himalayas-733


    This lady ... too was portrait savvy ___________________ Grey-headed Woodpecker Sattal Forest-edge Uttarakhand Himalayas India
  23. Himalayas-732 : White throated Laughingthrush drinking : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Himalayas-732 : White throated Laughingthrush drinking : Amazing Wildlife of India by Renu Tewari and Alok Tewari

    Intelligent ... vocal ... and gregarious Amazing birds these White-throated Laughingthrushes Watch them in action in this closeup video-clip ... _______________________ Sattal forest-edge ... altitude 5500 feet Uttarakhand Himalayas India
  24. I'm your fan ...

    I'm your fan ...

    White-throated Fantail Forest-edge Sattal Altitude 5500 Uttarakhand Himalayas India
  25. Raptor-175


    A full frame shot ... Brown Wood Owl Sattal : altitude 5500 feet Uttarakhand Himalayas India 7 April 2023