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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. S

    Birdwatching must-visit's in Sussex

    Hi All, New here, I wrote a post with 7 Must Visit Birdwatching spots and habitats in Sussex. Check it out here Extract: Introduction to Birdwatching in Sussex Sussex, a county rich in natural beauty and diverse habitats, offers some of the UK's most rewarding birdwatching experiences. From...
  2. little egret

    little egret

    i know there common now but still get a thrill when i see them
  3. eurasian skylark

    eurasian skylark

  4. corn bunting

    corn bunting

  5. IMG_20211129_165745_808.jpg


  6. Greylag Geese 0756.jpg

    Greylag Geese 0756.jpg

    Greylag Geese
  7. White-throated Sparrow2 20210411_Barcombe.jpg

    White-throated Sparrow2 20210411_Barcombe.jpg

    Male White-throated sparrow
  8. Male Sparrowhawk

    Male Sparrowhawk

    Taken through my lounge window, sitting on garden fence.
  9. Short-eared Owl 2539.jpg

    Short-eared Owl 2539.jpg

    Short-eared Owl
  10. Stonechat 1665.jpg

    Stonechat 1665.jpg

  11. Black Guillemot

    Black Guillemot

  12. Great Bittern

    Great Bittern

  13. Kingfisher (2).JPG

    Kingfisher (2).JPG

    Managed to get close enough for a pic despite the open countryside.
  14. Black Guillemot 2231 (1).jpeg

    Black Guillemot 2231 (1).jpeg

    Black Guillemot
  15. Walking the lily pads

    Walking the lily pads

    AAP One of our favourite walks was along the Chichester Canal; this is actually the very end of it, where it emerges into the Chichester Marina. At that time the canal wasn't navigable all the way, but they were working on it. Because there was no current in this area, water lilies had grown...
  16. Migrant Hawker

    Migrant Hawker

    Female basking
  17. Migrant Hawker

    Migrant Hawker

    Just hangin' around
  18. Snipe


    AAP. Back in 2005 when I was a fairly regular visitor to Sussex, we often went to the Arundel WWT. This particular day there were loads of Snipe on the island opposite the Peter Scott Hide (I think).
  19. Shorelark


    A very scarce winter visitor to the South Coast of England. And what a beauty! :)
  20. Sparrowhawk


    Our local male Sparrowhawk came and sat in our feeder tree looking for lunch. A wet and fairly windy day.
  21. Red (Grey) Phalarope

    Red (Grey) Phalarope

    Another of the Weir Wood Reservoir bird.
  22. Red (Grey) Phalarope

    Red (Grey) Phalarope

    Another of the Weir Wood Reservoir bird.
  23. Red (Grey) Phalarope

    Red (Grey) Phalarope

    Taken at Weir Wood Reservoir. A very quick bird, barely stopped to allow good shots.
  24. Kestrel


    male Kestrel showing nicely at Pagham today
  25. Nuthatch


    Nuthatch on birdtable at Pulborough Brooks RSPB, West Sussex