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taromeo dist forest

  1. The little guy was back

    The little guy was back

    Even though I say "little" they're still quite big and he was smaller than the other Lace Monitor (or Goanna) that was around. You can just see the end of his tail on the far left of the picture.
  2. Unnoticed


    I'd not noticed the Lewin's Honeyeater behind the Green Catbird until this morning, when I spotted a moving white spot as I scrolled through my images. So did a pretty big crop and adjusted some levels and he popped out a bit.
  3. Such a treat

    Such a treat

    This must be one of the most attractive of the small passerines in Queensland, and I saw quite a few Eastern Yellow Robins whilst I was there.
  4. Togetherness


    I'm presuming this is a pair of Red-browed finches as I think the one on the left is the male (the red eyebrow has a straight end) and from another picture it appears to show a pointed end for the bird on the right.
  5. Shall I dive in?

    Shall I dive in?

    ...Or just take a drink perhaps? A Bar-shouldered Dove seemed to be considering his options at the waterhole.
  6. Showing off his yellow throat

    Showing off his yellow throat

    The next guy I spotted was a Yellow-throated Scrubwren on the log above the waterhole. Such pretty little guys, though at times can look rather fierce.
  7. Plenty to go at

    Plenty to go at

    No sooner had Hans put some clementine segments on a log then a Lewin's Honeyeater was straight in. He sure had the pick of what was on offer LOL Sorry if I'm not quite with it when trying to browse the Gallery, I'm in a lot of pain with sciatica, so I'm either hurting, or sleeping due to the...
  8. Ever reliable

    Ever reliable

    Rufous Fantail were constant visitors to the forest waterhole and I found them quite adorable. So pleased to have seen them on this, my final visit to the waterhole, as it was the start of my last full day with Hans and Judy.
  9. Red head

    Red head

    What a surprise... a Scarlet Myzomela; I only got two images of this guy, the other would have fitted into to Alok's "derriere" images last Saturday LOL.
  10. Gonna have a quick drink

    Gonna have a quick drink

    We were on high alert hoping another Lace Monitor or Goanna would appear again and he didn't let us down. However, he (and we) were in for a bit of a surprise when another much bigger one came in too. The smaller one shot off to be chased away by the big guy. All quite exciting to watch!!
  11. Is there honey for tea?

    Is there honey for tea?

    The water hole was proving really popular, here's another Lewin's Honeyeater who needed a drink. I'll not be around tomorrow as I've some things to deal with in Perth (our local city); then after I get back I've an appointment in the evening too. Just one of those days!!!
  12. Togetherness


    I'd seen a pair on my previous visit to the waterhole, so they obviously like each other. Silvereyes remain one of my favourite species.
  13. Testing the water

    Testing the water

    I think this Regent Bowerbird is trying to decide if the water is tasty enough for her!!!
  14. Blending in

    Blending in

    The perfect habitat for this Bar-shouldered Dove as the ground colours seem to match his. Had one of those days.... had to go and do my grocery shopping twice when once is bad enough!! I was in the queue for the till when all the power went off. We were sent home foodless! That was 11.30 am...
  15. Christmas is coming

    Christmas is coming

    I only had three sightings of the Mistletoebird, and this was my first! The only one I saw in Queensland. Lovely, aren't they.
  16. Pretty boy

    Pretty boy

    I found the Rufous Fantails an absolute joy. Not only rather pretty but also cute and amusing to watch. This one did a little display for me on that dead branch. I only saw these in Queensland, unlike their grey cousins.
  17. Looking for nectar but that was water

    Looking for nectar but that was water

    Next to visit the water hole was a Lewin's Honeyeater. I saw quite a lot of these but only in Queensland and most of them at this water hole.
  18. A new honey lover

    A new honey lover

    For some reason I forgot to show you this one on my first run through of my pictures from this trip. The one and only time I saw the Yellow-faced Honeyeater too!!
  19. Princely


    At last the male Regent Bowerbird appeared. Really handsome birds these, aren't they.
  20. Positively evil!!!

    Positively evil!!!

    I wonder if it was my camera clicking, or if this White-browed Scrubwren was angry with his son for some reason LOL. As David commented yesterday... these guys always look cross!!
  21. Young teen

    Young teen

    I'd seen one of these before, but this was my first picture of a White-browed Scrubwren. This is a juvenile male and was lucky enough to realise that the parents were around too. Their pictures will follow.
  22. Splash


    I was photographing this Satin bowerbird in the pool when he suddenly shot up with spray flying everywhere LOL Saturday Fun
  23. Regent(ess)?


    Much plainer than the male a female Regent Bowerbird has a dark cap where the male has a yellow crown.
  24. Cuckoo or dove? That is the question

    Cuckoo or dove? That is the question

    I found the Brown Cuckoo-Dove rather attractive really. Not sure where the 'cuckoo' connection comes from, as they raise their own chicks LOL. Must be some other connection.
  25. Creeping out of his bath

    Creeping out of his bath

    This sighting of a White-throated Treecreeper was the only time I saw one on my travels. A lifer and one of only two pictures I managed to get of him.