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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Great Crested Grebes

    Great Crested Grebes

  2. BHG vs Curlew SF

    BHG vs Curlew SF

  3. LBBG (with prey) and youngster

    LBBG (with prey) and youngster

  4. Collared Dove

    Collared Dove

  5. Oystercatcher


  6. Magpie


  7. Wood Pigeon

    Wood Pigeon

  8. Dunnock


  9. Chaffinch


  10. Great Tit

    Great Tit

  11. Turnstone


  12. House Sparrow

    House Sparrow

  13. Redshank


  14. Curlew


  15. Collared Dove

    Collared Dove

  16. Whimbrel and Redshank

    Whimbrel and Redshank

    Here the whimbrel looking straight straight at me, but not deterred, much to my relief !.
  17. Black-headed Gull

    Black-headed Gull

  18. Bar-tailed Godwit

    Bar-tailed Godwit

  19. Little Egret

    Little Egret

  20. Jackdaw


    This bird I do not see very often here alongside the Western Scheldt seadike, a nice opportunity to show it now on the BF. In the exif I also see the distance to the subject, I did not notice this before, so in the next postings I will state this information too.
  21. Whimbrel


    Practising the ´One Leg Landing´ (OLL).
  22. Shelduck on the mudflat

    Shelduck on the mudflat

  23. Landing Cormorant

    Landing Cormorant

  24. Waltzing Cormorant     SF!

    Waltzing Cormorant SF!

  25. House Sparrow

    House Sparrow
