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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Purple Gallinule

    Purple Gallinule

  2. White-headed Marsh-Tyrant

    White-headed Marsh-Tyrant

  3. Black-necked Stilt

    Black-necked Stilt

  4. Wattled Jacana (juv).jpg

    Wattled Jacana (juv).jpg

  5. Saffron Finch (m)

    Saffron Finch (m)

  6. Snowy Egret

    Snowy Egret

  7. Tufted Coquette (m)

    Tufted Coquette (m)

    We recently recorded this song by Leonard Cohen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8hnIK8q0yc
  8. Streaked Flycatcher

    Streaked Flycatcher

    Not quite sure what happened with the left leg!
  9. Yellow - hooded  Blackbird (male)

    Yellow - hooded Blackbird (male)

  10. Striped Cuckoo

    Striped Cuckoo

  11. Anhinga (f)

    Anhinga (f)

  12. Little Cuckoo

    Little Cuckoo

  13. Smooth-billed Ani

    Smooth-billed Ani

    I think this might be the female as they were together but the books don't say she has a smaller bill. Maybe a juvenile.
  14. Smooth-billed Ani

    Smooth-billed Ani

  15. Tropical Kingbird

    Tropical Kingbird

  16. Ruby-topaz Hummingbird (f)

    Ruby-topaz Hummingbird (f)

  17. Green Kingfisher (male)

    Green Kingfisher (male)

  18. Great Kiskadee (juvenile)

    Great Kiskadee (juvenile)

  19. Black Vulture

    Black Vulture

  20. Tufted Coquette (m)

    Tufted Coquette (m)

  21. Giant Cowbird

    Giant Cowbird

  22. Bicoloured Conebill (juvenile)

    Bicoloured Conebill (juvenile)

  23. Black-throated Mango (juv)

    Black-throated Mango (juv)

  24. Spotted Sandpiper

    Spotted Sandpiper

  25. Barred Antshrike (f)

    Barred Antshrike (f)
