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united states

  1. V

    5/25/24 Need help ID birds from Alum Rock State Park, San Jose, CA, USA

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows the sex of this Dark Eye Junco? Typically the males I seen have a darker color head than this. At the same time, this Junco's hue is darker compare to a female's head. In another thread, someone may have suspected it was an Oregon Dark Eye Junco...
  2. Z

    Hello from Nevada, USA

    Hello, everyone! I'm an amateur birdwatcher and photographer from Henderson, Nevada, in the United States. While I've been taking photos for years, I only started to take a strong interest in birdwatching three years ago. I've been to a fair number of states and birded in 11 of them, but I...
  3. Defiant Red-headed Woodpecker

    Defiant Red-headed Woodpecker

    This Red-headed Woodpecker is a local rarity, and the fact that there's a pair that raised a small clutch is a nice surprise! This pair was quite active in keeping an eye on us, and this one giving us a defiant pose was a nice opportunity.
  4. Minister of Silly Walks

    Minister of Silly Walks

    A Cattle Egret practices one of his silly walks, preparing for his eventual appointment to the Ministry of Silly Walks
  5. Play With Your Food

    Play With Your Food

    This Yellow-crowned Night Heron tosses a small crab in the air to position it for a good swallow (he dropped it the first time!).
  6. Get Outta Here!

    Get Outta Here!

    A Yellow-crowned Night Heron takes offense to my presence after several minutes of observing him hunt.
  7. Little Blue, Mid-Molt

    Little Blue, Mid-Molt

    A young Little Blue Heron shows off his mottled mid-molt coloration from atop a hedge
  8. Wood Stork

    Wood Stork

    A stately Wood Stork takes a break from foraging to review the surroundings.
  9. Calamari is Ready!

    Calamari is Ready!

    A Laughing Gull drags to shore a dead squid
  10. Shadowy Shrike

    Shadowy Shrike

    A Loggerhead Shrike waits in the shadows near it's nest after being spooked by people walking by.
  11. An Attention Getter

    An Attention Getter

    A young Green Heron perks up and stares at the camera after hearing the shutter fire
  12. O

    Central Texas, USA - Help identifying bird by call

    For a couple nights now, around 10-11pm, I've been hearing what I originally thought was a street cat meowing outside my door. Tonight, I decided to investigate, and not only was there no cat, the "meowing" was louder and more resonant than a cat could make. It was also coming from a tall tree...
  13. Pileated Woodpecker in Suburban Michigan

    Pileated Woodpecker in Suburban Michigan

    trying out my new scope, looking at a reliable visitor visiting the suet feeder on the front porch (minimum magnification).
  14. Yellow-crowned Night Heron

    Yellow-crowned Night Heron

    This Yellow-crowned Night Heron flew by me on the beach in Florida after doing a little crabbing.
  15. Juvenile Eastern Phoebe

    Juvenile Eastern Phoebe

    Four juvenile Eastern Phoebe's were in "flight school" when I walked out on my front porch. After a few shots of them and a parent I went on a walk. When I returned they were all gone! Hopefully they'll all start putting a dent in the local mosquito population!
  16. Eastern Phoebe

    Eastern Phoebe

    This parent wasn't happy with me for stumbling across it's flight school. The second brood of the summer had hatched and was all over my front porch when I walked out with a camera!
  17. Green Heron

    Green Heron

    This Green Heron put on a show for me while we waited for a dolphin tour. I have several photos of him that should turn out great!
  18. Yellow-crowned Night Heron

    Yellow-crowned Night Heron

    Yellow-crowned Night Heron stopped by for a little crabbing on the beach!
  19. Black Skimmer

    Black Skimmer

    Large group of sea birds at their nesting beaches. Gulls stirred up these Black Skimmers and Terns and they flew by.
  20. Barred Owl

    Barred Owl

    I've seen this Barred Owl twice this week while on my morning runs; the second time I was able to call my wife to bring down the kids and camera. She took a series of photos and while I'd liked to have adjusted the settings more, I'll settle for this photo! Hope to keep seeing him in the future!
  21. Carolina Chickadee

    Carolina Chickadee

    The window feeder brings at least six different species of birds up close and personal. I NEVER thought it would really work!
  22. Painted Bunting

    Painted Bunting

    I never thought in a million years that the stick on window feeders would "work." Not only do they work, but I have several species using them and almost don't care about humans being on the other side! Great way for my kids to experience song birds up close!
  23. House_Finch_SB.jpg


  24. Bald Eagle

    Bald Eagle

    Bald eagle landing on tree branch.
  25. American Dipper Behavior Composite II.  YELL-WINT SER

    American Dipper Behavior Composite II. YELL-WINT SER

    Dipper winter behavior II. Riffle: current from upper right to lower left 7. foraging for bottom inverts with head under water, causing vortex of water around head 8. vortex breaking into wave 9. wave passing over back of bird 10. wave flattened as it drains from back 11. wave dispersed, with...