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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. Male red-breasted merganser

    Male red-breasted merganser

    Sitting and waiting for someone to come and feed him.
  2. Magpie with nest material

    Magpie with nest material

  3. Arctic redpoll

    Arctic redpoll

  4. Arctic redpoll

    Arctic redpoll

  5. Arctic redpoll

    Arctic redpoll

  6. Male ruff

    Male ruff

  7. Black-legged kittiwake

    Black-legged kittiwake

  8. Black-legged kittiwake

    Black-legged kittiwake

  9. Black-legged kittiwake

    Black-legged kittiwake

  10. A

    Questions about the abundance and behavior of weasels. Are there suburban weasels?

    Hello, folks! I have some questions concerning the abundance and behavior of weasels (long-tailed and short-tailed) in New England, particularly New Hampshire. I've had an interest in mustelids for quite some time. Even still, they are among my favorite mammal groups! I have never seen a weasel...
  11. Pied wagtail

    Pied wagtail

    ssp. yarrellii
  12. Female kestrel in flight

    Female kestrel in flight

  13. Balcony Biodiversity 2.0.6

    Balcony Biodiversity 2.0.6

    Balcony Biodiversity ... Before I post some more Shrike images here's a first at balcony species ... A huge Barney He did not exactly arrive at balcony ... ... but was visible from the balcony ... perched in a Eucalyptus tree in the neighborhood garden ... No one has ever reported...
  14. Urban turnstone

    Urban turnstone

    One of the flock of ruddy turnstones who pretended they are pigeons near a seaside restaurant.
  15. Male American goldfinch

    Male American goldfinch

  16. Male Sardinian warbler

    Male Sardinian warbler

  17. house sparrow.jpg

    house sparrow.jpg

    Male house sparrow posing like a rock star
  18. Snow geese with a greater white-fronted goose

    Snow geese with a greater white-fronted goose

  19. Snow geese

    Snow geese

  20. House_Finch_SB.jpg


  21. Young wild urban badger.

    Young wild urban badger.

    One of the youngsters of a group of five badgers being curious and assessing if it is safe to feed.
  22. The Red Fox.

    The Red Fox.

    A highly adaptable species, found across Britain, but absent from Scottish Islands (except Skye), in all habitats from salt marshes and sand dunes to the tops of mountains. In Britain, more so than elsewhere in Europe, foxes have also adapted to life in urban surroundings...
  23. A Mother Red Fox.

    A Mother Red Fox.

    A mother red fox sits curiously observing, while being photographed.
  24. Urban Hornbill ...

    Urban Hornbill ...

    Urban Hornbill ... Indian Grey Hornbill has adapted well to urban scenario ... Though, the one here was captured during recent visit to Haridwar ... a city in Himalayan foothills ... we see it in Delhi not infrequently ... ... even capturing some images from ( ... not at ) our balcony ...
  25. Urban Redwing

    Urban Redwing

    Came across some Redwing feasting on some berries in the middle of the town centre.