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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.


  1. ParisNorway

    Warbler next to fish ponds in Southern Poland (May)

    These might be two individuals:
  2. Yellow Warbler

    Yellow Warbler

    Paruline jaune
  3. American Redstart

    American Redstart

    Pauline flamboyante
  4. Garden warbler

    Garden warbler

  5. Northern Waterthrush

    Northern Waterthrush

    Paruline des ruisseaux
  6. Azan Khan

    Phylloscopus Warbler - Blyth's Leaf?

    Hello everyone! We clicked this leaf-warbler at Salkhala, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan close to Indian border in the east. It was with many Western Crowned Warblers in the area. We are not confident of its ID, due to it faintly buffish double wing-bars, greener color and bill size and colour. We...
  7. Black-and-White Warbler

    Black-and-White Warbler

    found in Spring with kinglets and other Warbler spp. such as yellow rumped
  8. Black-and-White Warbler in Spring

    Black-and-White Warbler in Spring

    Found with ruby crowned kinglet among other Warbler spp.
  9. Rakesh Malik

    Leaf warbler ID | Lava, West Bengal, India | 4 May 2024

    Lava, West Bengal, India 4 May 2024
  10. ParisNorway

    Kinabalu Park, Borneo (Malaysia) - warbler

    Can it be anything other than Aberrant bush warbler?
  11. One more ...

    One more ...

    taken ... ... on a day of low light and mist ... ____________________ Blyth's Reed Warbler
  12. E

    Arctic Warbler in Jakarta (Indonesia)

    🗓️: Nov, 9, 2023 📍: mangrove in Jakarta (Java, Indonesia) 🧮: 1 individual
  13. L

    Doi Inthanon Summit, Thailand - Warbler (?) ID

    Hi, May I know what bird this could be? Thank you.
  14. Fandango739

    Weaverville, North Carolina USA - Warbler

    The one and only photo. Seen last month in Weaverville, NC, USA. Wet weather, near a lake.
  15. Yellow Rumped Warbler

    Yellow Rumped Warbler

    A bit soft, but I rarely get warblers in flight, so..
  16. x.JPG


    Not sure if chiffchaff or willow warbler. Maybe the latter one.
  17. Common Yellow Throat

    Common Yellow Throat

    Male Common Yellow Throat
  18. Hume's Leaf Warbler

    Hume's Leaf Warbler

  19. Northern Parula

    Northern Parula

    Northern Parula on my fountain
  20. Yellow Warbler

    Yellow Warbler

    A migrating female yellow warbler on my fountain.
  21. F

    Juvenile Marsh Warbler? (Netherlands, Oostvaardersplassen, July 14th, 2023)

    This afternoon I saw this young bird. (Netherlands, Flevoland, Oostvaardersplassen) It was relatively tame, and actively foraging on and near a path. When disturbed by a passing mountain biker, it was back in no time. It was near both reeds/high grasses and forest/trees/scrub. Its blackish and...
  22. One more balancing ..

    One more balancing ..

    Larger body ... prominent upper part streaking ... stronger black bill in breeding periods and longish tail ... ... differentiate them from very similar looking species sharing the same area ... __________________ Gurugram Haryana India 20 June 2023
  23. DSC_0519.jpg


    Cetti`s Warbler
  24. Call of the Savi's Warbler

    Call of the Savi's Warbler

    Long call of the Savi's Warbler (Locustella luscinioides) in a nature reserve in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.