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white-faced heron

  1. White-faced heron

    White-faced heron

    "Bruh, it's just seaweed."
  2. White-faced heron fishing

    White-faced heron fishing

    This white-faced heron was focusing intently on fishing in the shallows.
  3. Standing proud

    Standing proud

    Fortunately I found a White-faced Heron a bit closer, so managed a rather better picture than that of the Osprey. That meant I could put the camera down and concentrate on eating lunch. It was about then I realised that Alex was having a chat with another couple of guys, quizzing them for any...
  4. White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron
  5. White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron
  6. Pale faces still need cleaning

    Pale faces still need cleaning

    Finally down at the estuary, one of the grassy banks a load of White-faced Herons were all busy preening. I think I counted 7, but not sure now if I cut one out when I was editing the image LOL They're not all easy to spot.
  7. White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron

  8. Pale face

    Pale face

    So we got down to the hide and the first bird I spotted was a White-faced Heron out on the mud,
  9. White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron
  10. Grey on grey

    Grey on grey

    Another one that blended in was a White-faced Heron. I still think these are rather neat birds. Although they're called herons, did you know they're in the egret family. Interesting, isn't it.
  11. White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron
  12. White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron
  13. White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron
  14. White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron
  15. White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron

  16. White-faced Herons

    White-faced Herons

    Adult White-faced Heron hassling a youngster, a common sight at these wetlands.
  17. White-faced heron

    White-faced heron

    White-faced heron
  18. White and grey

    White and grey

    A White-faced Heron was also at the weir to join the egrets. This guy not too far from where "Little and Large" were hanging out. Had a lovely time with my nephew and his fiancee (first time I'd met her). Too much food and drink and they enjoyed a walk round the hill, which I joined them on for...
  19. Trapeze artiste

    Trapeze artiste

    We then drove back down the valley to head towards some of Hans and Judy's favourite places closer to town. Outside a farm house still in the valley, we came across a White-faced Heron balancing on the power lines. Just not a perch I was expecting for this species LOL
  20. White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron
  21. Shade-lover?


    Well why else would his face not be tanned eh? When we got back to the homestead, we had a last look at the dam, for we were leaving in the morning for the long drive home. A White-faced Heron was patrolling the shallows.
  22. White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron

    White-faced Heron in flight. Looking more blue than grey because I didn't adjust the white balance.
  23. Confusing


    This was the third heron or egret species we found on that stretch of river that day. There was a little distance between them, but I'm still surprised to see them like that. This is my old friend the White-faced Heron, one of the first I saw on my first day out on Ken's patch at Wellington...
  24. Pale-face


    Once seen never forgotten LOL! One of those birds that are so easy to identify amongst all the worlds different heron species. This White-faced Heron was contemplating life at fresh water pool down on the beach at Buckley's Hole.
  25. Handsome


    I do think these White-faced Herons are good looking guys. We'd moved on from Eagleby, just down the road a little to the Eagleby Wetlands and this guy was the first species to be seen there - posing as if he knew he was going to be famous LOL