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Advice please - need AA Barttery Powered Camera (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Please can anyone recommend a camera for me.

My son is going on a school expedition to South Africa and Lesotho next month. This is a three week trip after completing his GCSEs.

The aim of the expedition is to give the children a valuable experience and as such they will be carrying out a variety of tasks while they are there.
These will include a few days working on a game reserve, a five day hike through the Drakensberg mountains, a community project based in a school in Lesotho and finishing with some more touristy trips.

They will be staying in places without access to electricity and will not be taking electrical devices that need charging - certainly no mobile phones!

He already has compact binoculars but I would like to get him a camera that uses AA batteries so he can take pictures whilst he is there.

Are there any good, lightweight (they have to carry everything in a rucksack), robust cameras that take AA batteries? I don't really know where to start looking!

Thanks in advance,

being teenager a decent 'go pro' may be what he prefers

as an alternative to carrying spare AA batteries look at solar battery rechargers. you can get them for AA

also good quality battery packs which can charge most devices and are designed rugged with built-in panel are available. i have used them often outback in Oz but the cheaper ones are low power, you really need fold out panels or backpack types so as always look at reviews for latest and best.

wow, teenagers without mobile phones ..... a new concept lol
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