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Atlas listing (1 Viewer)

In terms of all the data we can access on our sightings on the website how long will this be available for. I seem to recall Dawn telling me it would be there for at least another year to enable county atlases to finish that were running for another year.

Well, I do hope so, the Devon Atlas is supposed to be "running until 2013", and is using the national Atlas website for people to record their data.
I had an interesting hol in the Lake District the last couple of weeks. It's getting harder to record breeding evidence now but I did have osprey and redstart carrrying food; and a good variety of birds in breeding habitat (including both flycatchers and dipper, and lots of crossbills, siskins etc) - a good variety of other wildlife, too. A couple of pix attached in case anyone's interested.


  • song thrush ex IMG_5039 (800).JPG
    song thrush ex IMG_5039 (800).JPG
    76.5 KB · Views: 73
  • bordered white ex IMG_5011 (800).JPG
    bordered white ex IMG_5011 (800).JPG
    96.3 KB · Views: 83
  • golden-ringed drangonfly ex IMG_5511 (800).JPG
    golden-ringed drangonfly ex IMG_5511 (800).JPG
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  • red squirrel ex IMG_5334 (800).JPG
    red squirrel ex IMG_5334 (800).JPG
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  • redstart juv ex IMG_5551-1 (801).JPG
    redstart juv ex IMG_5551-1 (801).JPG
    104.8 KB · Views: 73
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Nice pictures Ken.

I did my last TTV yesterday in Abbey village, on the West Pennine Moors. Confirmed GC Grebe breeding the highlight.

On a tangent as that is about 280 TTVs (never worked it out fullly) we were having a pub lunch, but had to drive to find a pub as the one in the village closed between the first TTV in May and this one. Some of the pubs marked on maps I have guessed would be closed down before I even did the surveys because they were remote, and they generally were.

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Nice pictures Ken.

I did my last TTV yesterday in Abbey village, on the West Pennine Moors. Confirmed GC Grebe breeding the highlight.

On a tangent as that is about 280 TTVs (never worked it out fullly) we were having a pub lunch, but had to drive to find a pub as the one in the village closed between the first TTV in May and this one. Some of the pubs marked on maps I have guessed would be closed down before I even did the surveys because they were remote, and they generally were.


Brilliant job, Stephen. Your TTV page on the Atlas website must be enormous!
Not dead yet

OK, the national fieldwork has ended, but it's amazing how many counties/regions have decided to piggyback a local atlas on this, and still going on. Devon is one, and I'm now in the slightly odd situation of doing TTVs for coastal tetrads that weren't eligible for the national. Sometimes it's hard to fill an hour, let alone two, but it's all good fun and, as always, gets you to parts that other birding doesn't reach.

Had a fun morning in urban Torquay today, followed by one or three pints, no special birds but several that were apparently new for the tetrad (it seems I'm the only person to have seen Herring Gull around Torquay harbour, obviously I'm a better birder than I thought I was ;)).

Well done the BTO for keeping the website open for all of this.
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Yes, same situation here in Surrey. There are still some tetrads with very few species listed. Unfortunately they are not particularly close to me (or any other birders it seems).
I have been keeping an eye out for new tetrad 'ticks' although I haven't had much luck so far. In fact birds seem to be thin on the ground in my area at the moment. My year list is still stuck at 49.
RIP Atlas fieldwork

Even here in Devon, where the county's atlas has continued for another two years, it's finally all over. After six years (seven if you include the early trial runs) ... no more thinking 'which tetrad an I in ?' 'have I had Treecreeper in this square ?' 'is that juv young enough not to have moved in here from somewhere else ?'. Life will be different, that's for sure.
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