Original PaulE
Well-known member

With the Penduline Tits reported again in the week, I decided a trip to Eastbourne to try and get them on the year list would be in order!! Failed miserably!! Think the strong wind wasn't conducive to spotting them, though did find a Dartford Warbler which was a bit of a bonus!! Couldn't turn any of the Gulls in the large flock on the lake into Caspians or Yellow-legged but did get my first Lesser Black-backed Gulls of the year!! A Marsh Harrier showed well but distant and a Kingfisher disappeared before I could get the camera on it ! Cold but enjoyable couple of hours!! More pics and a fuller report on the blog at the link!

West Rise Return!
Before Christmas I had a very nice day at West Rise Marsh, with the Beardies and Penduline Tits and with both reported again during the wee...