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Best ID guide for Belize (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Does anyone have a view on which is the better guide to take to Belize? Based on what I can find there are 2 options:

“Birds of Belize” by H. Lee Jones and Dana Gardner and the “Peterson Field Guide to Birds of Northern Central America (Peterson Field Guides)” by Jesse Fagan and Oliver Komar, and illustrated by Robert Dean and David Beadle.
Thanks, illustrations look decent based on the samples shown albeit one of the Trogons looks like its about to topple backwards off the branch!
Thanks, illustrations look decent based on the samples shown albeit one of the Trogons looks like its about to topple backwards off the branch!
I would think it's the most up to date and detailed, with generally very good illustrations.

It's also worth considering the Belize pack for Merlin, if you want something for a smartphone.
I have used the Petersen guide mentioned above, not in Belize but Mexico (Southern part of their Yucatan peninsula), and for me it worked well.

Today, I would not travel without the appropriate pack of Merlin (for those regions where one exist) to aid with sounds and photos of some species. The pack is downloaded, so you do not need connection while in the field. To me it is not (yet?) good enough to not also bring a field guide.

I agree with the Peterson guide, in my opinion much better than the Belize guide. But the Merlin pack in this area should be well completed and as an addition is really helpful. Bu i also wouldnt like to miss the field guide for preparation.
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