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Biking Birder 2015 - A cycle ride to every RSPB and WWT reserve. (1 Viewer)

Gary has concluded his 7 week stay on Shetland / Fair Isle which has yielded 21 species (nothing in the last week since the Sibe Ruby). He is now on route to Kirkwall where he will make a near suicidal attempt for the Chestnut Bunting on Papa Westray tomorrow. Not quite sure how he is getting there and back - if there are any reports of boats mysteriously going missing on Orkney I know where I would be looking! ;)
Bird #278 secured today with the Chestnut Bunting on Papa Westray, Gary's fifth lifer of the year following Citril Finch, Moltonis Warbler, Lanceolated Warbler and Corncrake (all previous records were heard only). Gary wishes to extend a big thank to Paul Higson for his advice and assistance on travel arrangements to get to and from Papa.

Gary will be landing in Aberdeen at 7am on Saturday when it will be up the road towards Strathbeg, hopefully via the Pallas's Warbler.
Bird #278 secured today with the Chestnut Bunting on Papa Westray, Gary's fifth lifer of the year following Citril Finch, Moltonis Warbler, Lanceolated Warbler and Corncrake (all previous records were heard only). Gary wishes to extend a big thank to Paul Higson for his advice and assistance on travel arrangements to get to and from Papa.

Gary will be landing in Aberdeen at 7am on Saturday when it will be up the road towards Strathbeg, hopefully via the Pallas's Warbler.

Wasn't the Rubythroat even a lifer?!
i met gary literally on the road a couple of times. in the spring at cley the day after the moltoni's along the beach road & a few weeks back in shetland at grutness. although he'd seen loads of good birds, he reckoned he wouldn't make the green 300 & seemed to be already hatching plans to do it all again next year! he also seems to be becoming a bit of a celebrity... although that can have its down side. can't remember what bird, but he did tell me of being stopped by birders for a chat several times & as a result missing the bird!
i met gary literally on the road a couple of times. in the spring at cley the day after the moltoni's along the beach road & a few weeks back in shetland at grutness. although he'd seen loads of good birds, he reckoned he wouldn't make the green 300 & seemed to be already hatching plans to do it all again next year! he also seems to be becoming a bit of a celebrity... although that can have its down side. can't remember what bird, but he did tell me of being stopped by birders for a chat several times & as a result missing the bird!

I suspect this year he will end up on low-to-mid 290sthis year - hit list birds include Bean Goose, Bewick's Swan, Glaucous Gull, Caspian Gull, Pec Sand, Grey Phal, Little Auk, Snow Goose, Rough-legged Buzzard, Green-winged Teal, Mealy Redpoll, Waxwing etc with a chance of Dusky Warbler, Pallas's Warbler, Shorelark, Desert Wheatear, Arctic Redpoll etc.

If he does it all again next year he could make things a lot easier by (a) dropping the requirement to visit every RSPB / WWT reserve which will save a lot of miles and time (b) starting off in a better location eg Norfolk rather than the West Midlands and (c) not starting and finishing the year in the same location which he has done the last two attempts

Of course he would be completely barking mad to put himself through the whole process again. The wise words of Mrs Doyle seem very apt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI0MRyUFIXU
Gary advanced to 281 today with a Long-billed Dowitcher at Cresswell. Next target is probably Little Auk from Whitburn given the favourable forecast on Saturday.

Just a quick reminder that Gary is also fundraising for a number of charities as part of this year's adventure - please find links the the relevant Just Giving pages:

Asmtha UK: https://www.justgiving.com/bikingbirder2015asthmauk
RSPB: https://www.justgiving.com/gary-prescott
Wildlife & Wetland Trust: https://www.justgiving.com/gary-prescott1

Gary had raised around £1,600 between these three causes to date; hopefully there will be deluge of donations at the end of the year.
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Another seawatch from Whitburn today yielded bird #283 in the form of a Balearic Shearwater (plus more Little Auk). Next stops are Washington WWT and Saltholme RSPB.
After tidying up all the reserves on the eastern side of the country and leaving just Sandwell and Middleton Lakes RSPB, Gary is spending a couple of days in Norfolk. He has added Rough-legged Buzzard today at Choseley Barns (#284) with targets of Shorelark tomorrow and Bewick's Swan at Welney on his return to the West Midlands. Here's hoping the Hoopoe hangs on another fortnight at Wall Heath.
What about the Washington WWT Ferruginous Duck, or had he already had one elsewhere?

Hope he's safe from today's storm!

Luckily Gary had proper one (;)) earlier in the year - possibly Blashford in Hants from memory. Safely ensconced in a hide tonight.
Gary secured bird #285 with Shorelark at Thornham Harbour today. Next stop is Welney for Bewick's Swan and then decision time as to the next target.
And on to 286 today with Bewick's Swan at Welney. Next stop (after a few days on the bike) will be Farmoor for the Grey Phalaropes
2 Grey Phalaropes at Farmoor today took Gary to 287; next up to the West Midlands for Hoopoe, Caspian Gull and whatever else may turn up between now and the year's end (Glauc Gull, Mealy Redpoll, Waxwing)
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