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Birding from from Yellowstone to Las Vegas (1 Viewer)

Jose Ramon

Well-known member
Hi everybody,

My name is Jose and I am from Madrid (Spain).

I plan to visit Yellowstone National Park, Gran Teton, Arches, Zion, Gran Canyon, ... ending the tour in Las Vegas to fly back home.

Although it is a family tour, I hope to have some time to bird early in the morning and during our visit to the National Parks.

We plan to go at the end of June.

Please, could you recomend me places to visit in order to watch birds (and mammals) in this itinerary?

Please, only places that could be easy reached by car or short walks. I will be with my family that they dislike long walks and spend a long time in a place looking for birds.

Fortunately, I haven't bird too much in the USA up to now, only a week in Florida and a short visit to Washing D.C. so most of the birds will be new for me.

Thanks in advance,
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