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Birds during my time as a student (1 Viewer)

17th September, Nathan Road Wetlands Reserve, Queensland
640. Australian Spotted Crake
641. Spotless Crake (Australia tick)

Also 10+ Baillon's Crakes and a Lewin's Rail, amazing!!
26th September, Warwick area, Queensland
643. Cockatiel
644. Musk Lorikeet

Durikai State Forest, Queensland
645. White-browed Woodswallow
646. Masked Woodswallow
647. Dusky Woodswallow
648. Striped Honeyeater
649. Fuscous Honeyeater
650. Black-chinned Honeyeater
651. White-eared Honeyeater
652. Buff-rumped Thornbill
653. Inland Thornbill

Mosquito Creek Road, Queensland
654. Red-winged Parrot
655. Greater Bluebonnet
656. Spotted Bowerbird
657. White-winged Fairywren
658. Yellow-throated Miner
659. Weebill
660. Grey-crowned Babbler
661. Zebra Finch

Lake Coolmunda, Queensland
662. Hoary-headed Grebe

Priors Pocket, Queensland
663. Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo

What an amazing day!!!
4th October, Priors Pocket, Queensland
665. Red-backed Kingfisher
666. Brown Songlark

The endless flurry of lifers in continuing, with dry conditions out west forcing birds into Brisbane. It's been fantastic!!
7th October, Cedar Creek, Queensland
667. Painted Buttonquail
668. Shining Bronze-Cuckoo

Lake Samsonvale, Queensland
669. Pallid Cuckoo
30th November, Hilfield, Dorset
672. Eurasian Jay

Cattistock, Dorset
673. European Greenfinch
674. Hawfinch

Lodmoor RSPB, Dorset
675. Mediterranean Gull
676. Common Reed Bunting
677. Lesser Yellowlegs- nice to get a lifer on my first day back in the UK

Portland Harbour, Dorset
678. European Shag
679. Common Loon
680. Common Merganser
681. Red-breasted Merganser
1st December, Hilfield, Dorset
683. Northern Raven
684. Goldcrest
685. Marsh Tit
686. Eurasian Nuthatch
687. Eurasian Treecreeper
3rd December, Hilfield, Dorset
688. Eurasian Bullfinch

Sidmouth, Devon
689. Eurasian Rock Pipit
690. Purple Sandpiper
6th December, Mallorca, Spain
691. Yellow-legged Gull
692. Black Redstart
693. Eurasian Blackcap
694. Common Chiffchaff
695. Eurasian Hoopoe
7th December, Mallorca, Spain
696. Common Firecrest
697. Sardinian Warbler
698. Eurasian Wryneck
699. Cirl Bunting
700. European Serin
701. Booted Eagle

Sadly my plans to visit PN S'Albufera were thwarted by a tyre blowout, but I'll try to get there on Saturday!
8th December, Mallorca, Spain
702. Griffon Vulture
703. Cinereous Vulture
704. Grey Wagtail
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9th December, PN S'Albufera, Mallorca, Spain
705. Black-crowned Night Heron
706. Kentish Plover
707. Western Swamphen
708. Audouin's Gull
709. Black-necked Grebe

Campos, Mallorca, Spain
710. Greater Flamingo
12th December, Mallorca, Spain
713. Merlin
714. Thekla Lark

Sadly flying to England tomorrow, I don't feel like leaving!
14th December, Minsmere RSPB, UK
715. Red-throated Loon
716. Water Rail
717. Bearded Reedling

Upper Hollesley Common, UK
718. Dartford Warbler
15th December, Cley Marshes, Norfolk
719. Common Murre

16th December, Hazlewood Common, Suffoll
720. Lesser Redpoll
721. Common Redpoll
722. Arctic Redpoll

A Redpoll extravaganza!! Sadly we missed the nearby Parrot Crossbills, but we'll try again tomorrow
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