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Boat -tailed Grackle in south Florida (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Dear Members and Bird watchers!

There was many male Boat-tail Grackle and I took a picture of this what I thought a female Boat-tailed Grackle.

But now I see that the bill is short and broad, not long as the Boat-tailed Grackle. Maybe it is just my imagination, but I think the bill is not so long and slender.

Kind Regards and happy birding


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It's a boat-tailed grackle. In S Florida it's very common and there's nothing very similar with such a long tail and big murderous bill.
Thank you!

They are everywhere and they are very beautiful with all the different colours in the sun shine. My female was sticking out and it might be my imagination about the bill. And there is not many females around comparing with the males, I see much more males.

And they are very funny and they are almost coming in to the car to sing for you. I made one recording today that I think was a little strange. Reminded me about the Tui in New Zealand

Thank you again, highly appreciated!


  • Boat-tailed Grackle.mp3
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