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China birding trip (1 Viewer)

A mate and I are planning a 14-day birding trip to China late December 2024 to mid-January 2025. We are going on our own to Taiyuan for the Brown-eared Pheasant and then linking up with a very good bird guide for Xinyang (Reeve's Pheasant, Crested Ibis, Collared Crow); Poyang Lake (four species of crane, Oriental Stork, Yellow-browed Bunting, Brown Crake); Wuyuan (Scaly-sided Merganser); Emeifeng (Cabot’s Tragopan, Elliot’s Pheasant, White-necklaced Partridge); and Nonggang (Nonggang Babbler, Blue-rumped Pitta, White-winged Magpie, White-eared Night Heron, Black-throated Laughingthrush, Indo-Chinese Green Magpie). If we can get 2-3 more birders the cost will be about $300-350 per day, including all meals, high-speed train and one flight. There is the possibility of adding a Yunnan extension, flying from Nanning to Kunming. Anyone interested in joining us? My number is 0429 195505 and email address [email protected]
Very interesting trip, not sure if I'd be able to join, but I can confirm that you'll get more eyes/replies if you post this in the Companions for Birding Trips forum.

Could you tell me what's the expected dates for starting and ending, along with when you need a reply?
Sounds like a great trip. I guided to many of these sites 15-20 years ago and would be really interested to hear how get on Nigel.

Thanks for the advice. I'll move the message. We're meeting in Beijing on December 28 and will finish at Nonggang on January 11.
When would you need a confirmation? It's still over a year away, so there's a lot of variables (especially if it's for US citizens...)
When would you need a confirmation? It's still over a year away, so there's a lot of variables (especially if it's for US citizens...)
I don't need a firm commitment for a long while yet. We're paying a deposit soon to ensure we've got the best guide booked, but other people can decide to join us anytime over the next year or so. We'll cap the group at five, so there are three places open. It should be a great trip.
Warning! This thread is more than 1 year ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.

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